
She was shit with Legilimency so he knew she hadn't used it, but she'd clearly known what he'd been thinking.

"He'll leave on his own," she said. She shifted and stood so her chin was on his chest and she was looking up at him. "I don't want you to go. You'll only make it worse."

As much as Draco wanted to argue, he knew she was probably right. Rather than try to convince her otherwise or attempt to fool her, he decided to stay with her and offer up his guest bedroom. He'd go with her to her flat in the morning just in case McLaggen was still there. Until then, though, he was going to stay right there in the living room and hug Hermione. He even ignored the overflowing water in his kitchen sink, deciding that would be a problem for later.

* * * * *

Somehow Draco had convinced her to let him be her roommate. Hermione wasn't even sure what it had been that made her agree, but during lunch two days after Cormac had kissed her, she found herself agreeing to let Draco move in with her. She told herself it was only because he offered and would be around to help with the Cormac problem. It definitely did not have to do with how he grinned and kissed her cheek after she agreed.

What she hadn't anticipated was Draco taking the next day off of work so he could move in. Cormac had very helpfully mentioned he'd be out of town for the next four days ("Try not to miss me, okay, Hermione?" he had said) and Draco felt like that was the best time to get comfortable.

"You sure have a lot of stuff," Hermione said after apparating home from work. Draco had already made himself at home, not to her surprise. He scoffed.

"You should see how much stuff Blaise had when he moved in," he replied. Hermione grinned and walked into the kitchen to see what he was making. It was a nice change to have someone she liked in her house as opposed to someone like Cormac.

"Did the landlord let you in alright?" she asked. Draco nodded and didn't even attempt to push her away when she peered over his shoulder at the recipe.

"He didn't seem to recognise me," Draco mused. The grin on his face told her he must have done something unseemly to manage such a thing, but she did nothing more than eye him warily.

"Call me when dinner is ready," she said, moving out of the kitchen and going upstairs to take a shower while thinking about how fun it would be to have Draco as a roommate.

* * * * *

The following Tuesday night, Hermione was cooking in the kitchen when the door opened. Her heart dropped to her stomach as Cormac called out for her and she tried not to let it show on her face. She really hadn't missed him while he was gone, as horrible as it was to think such a thing. Spending time with Draco while he was gone had been really fun.

"Miss me?" he asked, walking into the kitchen with his arms spread like he expected a hug.

Hermione just gave him a small smile, too tired to argue with him. The previous night, she'd spent at the office trying to translate a series of runes for one of Harry's cases and then today, she and Draco had been sent to follow a lead all over the British Isles. She hadn't slept in almost twenty eight hours and it was really beginning to affect her.

"What's for dinner?" Cormac asked. Hermione blinked then looked back down at the soup she was making. Cormac walked over and put a hot hand on her waist as he hummed. "Smells delicious."

"Cormac," Hermione sighed, pushing his hand away. He stepped back as she turned off the stove top and moved the soup pot so it could cool. Cormac was staring at her when she turned around and she jumped.

"Yep, still here," he chuckled.

"Cormac, please leave," she said, running a hand through her hair. Cormac frowned and stepped toward her, but Hermione stepped back. "I'm too tired, okay? We're just neighbours and you really should go home."

"Hermione, come on," Cormac said. Hermione just looked at him and his frown deepened. "I know that's not how you feel. Why else would I be over here each night?"

He moved towards her again and Hermione hurried out of the cramped kitchen to avoid him. Cormac's frown changed to more of a glare as he chased after her and Hermione found herself wishing Draco didn't take such long showers.

"Hermione, come here," Cormac insisted, reaching for her arm. His fingers wrapped around her wrist and she pulled away sharply. "Come here," he demanded, grabbing hold of her again and not letting go.


Hermione breathed a sigh of relief at the sharp voice that had come from behind her. Cormac looked up and glared, attempting to drag Hermione behind him. She managed to free herself from his grip though and took a step closer to Draco. A second later, his chest was pressed against her back and he was radiating anger.

"Get out," Draco ordered. Cormac glared at him and didn't move. "Get out!"

"You don't belong here," Cormac snarled, changing from the bubbly, friendly guy Hermione was familiar with. "You belong in Azkaban with your father, Death Eater."

Draco didn't react, much to Hermione's surprise. Instead of retaliating or sending a curse at Cormac, Draco reached down at grabbed Hermione's hand.

"I believe Hermione told you to leave," Draco said darkly. Cormac looked from Draco to Hermione, glaring at both of them as he took one step toward the door.

"This is who you're with now, Granger?" he asked. Hermione just stared at him and he sneered at her. "Got tired of banging Weasley and moved on to be a Death Eater's whore?"

Draco lunged forward at that and Hermione struggled to push him back. She grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Cormac who was grinning. Draco's grip on her hand was vice like and Hermione couldn't have pulled her hand free if she wanted too.

"Get lost, McLaggen," Draco snarled. He pulled out his wand when Cormac didn't move and Hermione watched Cormac's eyes grow ever so slightly.

Just before Cormac disappeared behind the door, he looked back at the both of them and said, "You can have her, Malfoy. She's a real bore anyway."

Draco roared after him, but the door slammed shut and Hermione pulled him back before he could do anything. She pulled his face down so he was looking at her and as soon as he focused on her, his face softened. His grip on her hand disappeared so he could hug her instead.

"What he said isn't true," he grumbled into her hair. Hermione knew that, but she also knew Draco tended to take every bad thing said about her to heart. "I should have come down sooner," he said, pulling away. He grabbed her arm and lifted it up to inspect. "He grabbed you pretty tight. Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, Draco," she promised, reaching up and cupping his face with one hand. "You got rid of him and that's the most important part."

Draco scowled at the wall behind her.

"He'll probably come back anyway," he grumbled. Hermione gave him a small smile.

"Well, you'll be here to send him out again," she said. Draco grumbled to himself then sighed and leaned into her touch. His hair was still damp from his shower and it fell floppily into his face, but Hermione thought the look suited him rather well. "If it's all the same to you, I really do appreciate you getting rid of him," she said.

"Shouldn't have to," he muttered. Hermione just shook her head and stepped back. Draco's arms locked around her tighter and he eyed her. "Where are you going?"

"I'm hungry," she said. She didn't pull away again though. "If you want to keep hugging me, I'm afraid you'll have to follow me into the kitchen."

"That can be arranged," he said. He threw his arm over her shoulder and walked with her into the kitchen where the soup was still cooling. Hermione quickly prepared two bowls then leaned back into Draco's side as they ate standing up. "Are you sure you're okay?" Draco asked, adjusting his arm around her. Hermione smiled and leaned into him even more.

"Yeah," she said, grinning up at him. "I'm okay."

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