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~*~*~*~*~Present Day~*~*~*~*~

"And that kids, is the story of how I met your Father."

Harry raised an eyebrow as his children exchanged confused glances.

"Wait, that's it?" James blurted finally. "Just like that?"

"Just like that," Harry agreed.

Scorpius threw his arms in the air. "We met at a wedding," he bit out. "Five words. Really, how hard is it?"

"Oh, be quiet," Lily admonished. "You enjoyed it."

Scorpius shrugged. "It wasn't the worst of Dad's stories," he conceded fairly. "Unless someone wants to revisit the Chamber of Secrets saga again."

"Merlin, no," Al grumbled. "It's bad enough we have to read about that in History of Magic."

Harry laughed and ruffled his hair. "Well, not every chapter of my life made it into a famous book. And thank Merlin for it. Some stories...well, they're too special to be shared. This one is just for you."

"But there's still so much you haven't told us," Lily insisted. "How did Grandfather Lucius come around?"

"Oh, that took a while," Harry told her. "But the first time he actually called me his son-in-law was when we went to the Manor for a visit, right after we adopted Scorpius."

"Me," Scorpius chirped smugly. "I brought him around. You're all very welcome."

"He likes me best," Lily told him primly. "He calls me his Beautiful Princess."

James grinned. "No. That's what he calls Albus." He laughed and dodged as his offended sibling threw a cushion at him.

Al halted mid assault and gave him a glare that promised future retribution before turning back to Harry. "Did you ever find out where the pineapple came from?"

"No. That remains a mystery until this day."

"Brilliant," Al groaned. "Now I'll be up all night thinking about it."

James frowned too. "Actually, now that we're talking about it...what does Uncle Blaise do for a living?"

"That information is classified," a new voice replied.

They all turned around and Harry's eyes lit up as his husband sauntered in. Draco shucked his coat and smiled at him, his grey eyes twinkling with amusement. Harry greeted him with a quick kiss, despite a round of vehement protests from his offspring. "And how long have you been eavesdropping?" he asked.

Draco smiled mischievously. "Just a while," he replied. "You were so caught up in storytelling. I didn't want to interrupt."

"More like you didn't want to get stuck too," James put in cheekily.

Draco raised an eyebrow at his son. "Watch your tone, young man. And just so you know, we need you to watch your brothers and sister tonight."

"We're not babies," Al protested.

"Oh, come on," James whined. "Why?"

Draco grinned and took Harry's arm. "Your father and I are going out. It is our anniversary, you know."

"There they are!" Ron called cheerfully, the second they entered the Leaky Cauldron. Hermione smiled and waved, pulling out an extra chair for Draco. Harry smiled. Even after all these years, she sometimes forgot that there was one more permanent member in their ever-present group now. She'd been pulling out an extra chair for Draco for years. It was practically a tradition now.

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