Chapter 6

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Harry rolled his eyes. "Shall I continue?"

There was no protest, so he did.

"The wedding took place late in the year. Of course, we were all pretty excited back then. But nobody guessed just how eventful it was going to be..."

~*~*~*~*~Year 6~*~*~*~*~

A lot of things happened that spring. Dani turned one. Hermione and Ron started the nursery and spent a lot of time harassing Healer Bones. Finally, the woman admitted defeat and confirmed that yes, for the thousandth time, they would be having a boy and yes, he was perfectly healthy and could she take a coffee break now, she'd been working a double shift for two weeks. The baby was due in September, precisely two months after the big wedding. That of course, was the other big thing that happened that spring.

Blaise proposed and Ginny said yes.

It wasn't easy. There was a lot of hyperventilating (Blaise) and last minute angst about making such a huge, life changing decision (Ginny). But in the end they sat down, talked and laid out the ground rules.

Blaise could keep his blog and most of his suits. However, anything that had seen the inside of a 'Gentleman's Club' had to go. Ginny wanted to take a break from work and travel for a year. Dani would go with them. Daphne— who was now settled in Chicago and moving in with a new boyfriend— had offered to keep her while the newlyweds went on their little world tour but Ginny couldn't stomach the idea of being away from her little girl for an entire year. An amused Daphne had politely withdrawn the proposal but not before telling Blaise to 'Keep this one. She's good for you.'

In short, they had decided to commit one hundred percent to 'having it all'; because they were just that awesome.

So the year came and went, bringing its surprises along the way.

But the one thing that surprised nobody was that Harry would be Blaise's Best Man.

To tell the truth, Blaise had been anxious about asking him. But Harry was his friend and more importantly, his wingman so there really was no question about it. He went ahead and asked him, the day after Ginny said yes.

"So, how about it?" Blaise asked cautiously. "I mean, I totally get it if you don't…"

"Mate," Harry grinned, pulling him into a brotherly hug. "I'd be honoured. It's you and Ginny. Of course I'll do it."

"And you're sure?" Blaise confirmed. "It's not going to be weird or uncomfortable…"

"Blaise, it's your wedding," Harry replied with an amused laugh. "Of course it's going to be weird and uncomfortable. I'm still in."

And that was that. Blaise grinned and returned the hug. "Awesome! And just you wait, Harry. This wedding is going to be legen-wait for it-dary.Legendary!"

Harry shook his head in fond exasperation, congratulated him and left. Not a second after he was gone, Blaise's Floo flared up again.

"Blaise? You there?"

Blaise whirled around and his grin widened as he caught sight of Draco's face in the fireplace. "Draco! Am I glad to see you! I've got something to tell you..."

"Oh no," Draco groaned. He actually had the nerve to face palm. "You knocked someone up the duff again, didn't you?"

Blaise scowled at him. "Why does everyone assume that's what I'm about to tell them?" he demanded. "You, my mother…"

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