Eyes exactly like Ginny's.

And then, lips on his neck. Soft, pliant lips, going lower and lower...and then he was drawing a blank. But judging by the fact that there was a girl in his shower and Blaise hadn't been around since earlier that night...

"I brought a girl home," Harry whispered.

Blaise raised an eyebrow. "Excuse you?"

"I brought a girl home," Harry repeated blankly. "Unless you..."

"Nope," Blaise clarified. "I went home after the nice lady Auror strip searched me. I offered to return the favour but..."

"Blaise!" Harry's panicked voice cut off what promised to be a very disturbing story. He swallowed and scrubbed a shaky hand through his hair. "Are you listening to me? I brought a girl home!"

"That's not all you brought home," Blaise scoffed, gesturing at something behind Harry. "Seriously, what is that all about?"

Harry's gaze zeroed in on the large pineapple proudly holding court at his kitchen counter. He gaped, slightly dumbfounded. "I...I have no idea," he mumbled. Gods, what had he done last night? A whimper escaped him. This was bad. This was so bad. He couldn't handle this. He was going to be sick. He just knew it...

"What?" Blaise demanded. "You're going to whine about this now? It isn't bad enough that you dumped me but then you go and pull a bird without your wingman- to go grocery shopping with her, apparently- and now you're going to complain? Oh, I don't think so."

"I haven't brought anyone back here since Ginny," Harry groaned. Seriously, what the hell? His break up was still painfully fresh in his mind. There were days when Ginny was all he could think about. And now he had basically fucked up in the worst way possible. He had brought someone back to his place and...wait, had he even shagged her?

As if on cue, another flashback assaulted his already frayed senses. Those lips from earlier, tracing patterns down his chest. Brown eyes lit up with mischief and then those lips were wrapped around his cock and a talented tongue was licking and sucking at him, bringing him to completion and...

"Oh Merlin." Harry staggered. His legs just refused to cooperate and he slumped on a chair, holding his head in his hands. "I am never drinking again."

"Yeah, that's what they all say," Blaise snickered. "But let's look at the silver lining, yes? You got some action. Okay, so maybe it wasn't with Ginevra but..."

"Blaise, will you please just shut up for a minute?" Harry snapped. This was it. He had wrecked it. That delicate, fragile, barely there strand of hope that he had been holding on to for two months was gone. He had officially 'moved on'. His last connection with Ginny- the bed they had shared- had been surrendered to a total stranger in a night of drunken debauchery. And yes, he knew that Ginny was gone- maybe for good- but it didn't make it any easier. He had been holding out for her. In the tiniest, deepest, darkest corner of his heart, he had been waiting for her to come back.

And now, he had officially stopped waiting. He had brought someone else back to his place. If that wasn't giving up, he didn't know what was. Appropriately, Harry began to panic.

"I have to get her out of here," he announced, getting up shakily. "She's got to go."

"Harry, that's just rude. At least buy her a coffee or someth..."

"No!" Harry snapped, marching over to his bedroom again. "I can't do this. I can't! She can't stay. She has to..."

He wrenched the door open as he ranted, nearly colliding with the person on the other side.

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