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James Sirius was quite sure he had never run this fast in all his sixteen years. He sprinted down the street, nearly skidding on the frosted sidewalks of Godric's Hollow. His sides ached and there was a distinct burning sensation in his chest which could not be good, but still he ran as fast as he could. He was almost there. Now, he could spot the little cottage in the distance as he hurtled past a small, peaceful cemetery he'd visited every year since he was a little boy. Despite his haste, he paused for a second at a familiar spot - panting and out of breath.

"Hi Grandma, Grandpa. Can't talk now, there's an emergency. Be back soon. Okay, bye!"

Alright, so maybe it was a silly habit but he liked to talk to his Grandma Lily and Grandpa James every now and then. Big deal. Nobody needed to know that little detail - not even his siblings. Scratch that. Especially his siblings.

The thought of said siblings brought his current situation back to mind. James clutched the piece of tattered parchment in his fist and resumed course. Scorpius' note hadn't said much, but then again, neither did Scorpius. This is what he'd deigned to tell James in that little missive:


We've got a situation. Come home now.

We need you.


The little blighter. He knew just what not to say to make James presume the worst. Now he wouldn't be able to relax until he was sure the kids were alright. Angela hadn't been happy at being abandoned on their first actual date, but she was a sporting sort. James would make it up to her later.

Finally, he was running up the small driveway and to the house.

It was calm. Frost lined the windows and a soft, welcoming light shone from inside. Snow drifted down gently, lining the rooftop and dotting the trees. The winter scene brought a certain sense of peace to his mind. It was soothing. Quiet and tranquil.

Those were not phrases James usually associated with his family.

Whatever this was, he would bet his Firebolt that it was not good.

He padded down the driveway filled with a sense of foreboding. As usual, he had to jiggle the door a little to open it, but it gave way without protest. James stepped inside, padding down the familiar hall to the family room.

Scorpius was the first to spot him. "Thank Merlin!" he exclaimed in relief. He was sitting on the sofa with Al and Lily on either side. Lily waved at him and Al greeted with a cheerful grin, beckoning him over.

"You made it!" he cheered. "We were wondering when you'd show up."

James approached, frowning suspiciously. This didn't look like an emergency. No, this looked like a set up.

He knew it!

"What's going on?" he growled.

Scorpius blinked innocently. "Didn't you get my note?" he asked.

"You said there was an emergency," James informed him shortly.

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