Undoing the Wish

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Sofia awoke bright and early before anyone in the castle had. "Robin, Mia!" Sofia whispered.

The two birds came into her room. "Hi Sofia!" They chourased.

Sofia looked at Robin and in a flash of pink smoke, she became a bird. "Can you show me the way to the village?"

Robin and Mia nodded before flying off. Sofia followed them and when they got there a few moments later, she became human.

Sofia felt the wand against the sleeve of her dress and sighed in relief. "Thanks you two!"

"No problem Sofia!" The birds rxclaimed in unison.

Sofia made her way to the shoe shop and was happy to see her mom was awake. She knocked on the door, "Good morning!"

Edward scowled seeing the young girl. "What are you doing here, Sofia?"

"Came to spend some time with my parents." Sofia smiled.

"Come in. Miranda, Sofia is here!" Edward called.

While Edwards back was turned, Sofia brought out the wand and the slip of paper with the reversal spell. Mumbling inder her breath, Sofia released the spell at Edward.

When Miranda came down, she screamed at the man.

"What is wrong Miranda?" Edward asked.

Sofia slipped tbe wand back into her dress sleeve. "You are not Edward the sailor. You're Grimmtrix the sorcerer!"

Grimmtrix turned to Sofia and sneered, "How in Merlin did you figure it out?"

"Doesnt matter. I know you and Loreli are doing this together." Sofia explained.

"You will never break the Fantasy Land in time." Grimmtrix growled.

"We'll see about that." Sofia whistled loud and momemts later, Robin appeared. Sofia jumped, transforming into a bird and took off.

Grimmtrix ran after Sofia like a mad man.

"Thanks Robin, I got this!" Sofia exclaimed.

"Good luck, Sofia." Robin called before flying away.

Sofia meanwhile was flying to the castle, Grimmtrix on her tail. When she got to the gates, she became her human form.

"What are you going to do Princess?" Grimmtrix sneered.

Sofia raised the wand, and shot purple fireworks into the sky.

When Cedric saw them, he appeared in a puff of smoke next to Sofia. "Grimmtrix!"

"Ah Cedric, here to help your friend, the former princess." Grimmtrix stated.

Cedric growled aiming his wand at Grimmtrix. A spell shot out which Grimmtrix dodged.

"Got to do better than that!" Grimmtrix sneered

Sofia aimed the wand in her hands and it caught Grimmtrix. He groaned, "its not over yet, Loreli will break me out!"

At that, Loreli came out looking beyond confused. Sofia gasped at her staff. Aiming her wand, she undid the glamour the woman took to look like Loreli.

"You again, you pesky princess!" Loreli gasped feeling her true face.

Cedric gasped, "who is that?"

Just then, Roland, the twins and Tilly came out. "Sofia, who is that?"

"Dad, that Mamanu, the sorceress from the kingdom og Hakalo. Shes the one who tried to steal the emerald key from Lani!" Sofia cried out.

"You just couldnt stop yourself could you?" Mamanu growled.

"No, I am meant to be a Protector of the Ever Realm. Now as Protector, its time you summon Fritz back to undo this wish of Fantasy Land." Sofia demanded.

Mamanu groaned, "I am not the one who released the genie, Grimmtrix is."

Everyone turned to the now encased Grimmtrix. "Fine." He took out the lamp and rubbed it.

Fritz appeared and smiled at Sofia, "you wish to undo this wish?"

Sofia nodded. "I wish Fantasy Land is nothing more than a dream!"

Fritz snapped his fingers and the whole world turned black.

Sofia turned onto her back and sighed.

"Princess its time to wake up." A man announced.

"Five more minutes." Sofia yawned.

"Sofia, you will be late for school." The man replied.

Sofias eyes snapped awake and she looked around at once. She was back in the castle! She looked up to see Baileywick looking at her slightly concerned.

"What did you just call me?" Sofia asked.

"I told you Sofia, its time for school." Baileywhick replied.

"Oh right, thanks. I'll be right down." Sofia jumped out of bed and got dressed. She looked down at her amulet to see it back to its ruby pink color and not dark purple. And she noticed her Enchanlet was back on her wrist.  She smiled to herself, "I did undo the spell!"

Sofia was about to leave when Tilly came in. "Aunt Tilly?"

"Sofia dear, can you tell me why I woke up here?" Tilly asked confused.

"You dont remember?" Sofia asked

The blonde shook her head. "I did have a weird nightmare last night."

"Oh? Why not talk about it at breakfast?" Sofia asked.

The two then made their way downstairs.

"I had a bad dream." Amber shuddered when she entered.

"Same here." James yawned.

"What was it?" Sofia asked.

"You were a villiage girl again!" The twins said in unison. "No way, thats what I dreamed!"

"So did I!" Tilly, Miranda and Roland chourased.

Sofia laughed, "that is weird. I need to grab my backpack." The princess returned to her room and gasped when she saw Fritz there.

"Princess Sofia, congragulations!"

"On what?" Sofia asked.

"You broke the Fantasy Land! Mamanu and Grimmtrix are in your castle dungeons, all sources of their powers destroyed." Fritz explained.

"Why cant anyone remember the Fantasy Land?" 

"You wanted it to be a dream and it is...to everyone but you. As you can see, the world is safer with you as Princess and Protector. Remember that. I have to go." Fritz smiled before vanishing.

"Thanks Fritz."

"Hey Sof, its time to go!" James called from below.

"Coming James!" Sofia called out the window. The world had returned to normal and Sofia couldnt be happier.

When Sofia returned home later that day, she found the story in the Secret Library. "Here it is, Tale of the Former Princess."

"When Sofia discovered all she did as a princess was undone, she had no choice but to fight for her kingdom and her rightful title. With friends by her side, Sofia was able to reveal tjose in disguse around her and break the Fantasy Land. All those involved only remembered it as a dream and Sofia returned to her life as Princess and Protector. The End"

"That was an amazing advdnture!" Sofia sighed releasing the book back to where it belongs.

The End

Sofia The First: Once Upon a NightmareOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant