Queen Loreli

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Sofia had no choice but to follow the steward to the throne room.

"Lady Sofia is here, Your Majesty." Baileywhick announced.

Loreli looked up at Sofia and smiled too sweetly. "There you are. Thank you, Baileywhick."

The steward nodded and left.

"Your Majesty, how can I help you?" Sofia asked.

"You can look straight at my staff and just relax." Loreli produced a bamboo staff.

"Im good." Sofia answered noting that it looked familiar.

"I insist."

Sofia knew something bad was going to happen, so she wished silently to become small.

Loreli gasped when she saw Sofia had vanished.

"That was easy." She left the throne room at once.

When Sofia was alone, she returned to her normal size. "Who could Loreli be?"

The girl returned to her room to think things over. "Tilly?"

"Oh hello dear." The blonde smiled

"Whats going on?"

"Who are you?" Tilly asked. "And what are you doing in my old room?"

Sofia gasped and she saw the ring Tilly had on to keep her memories was gone.

"Im the new Lady of the castle, Dutchess Matilda. King Roland gave me this room." Sofia replied curtsying deeply.

Tilly narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "you seem oddly familiar."

"Were you recently with Queen Loreli?" Sofia asked.

"Yes. We were just in the library together." Tilly answered. "You should get to dinner now Lady Sofia. I will be returning home in the morning."

"Your leaving?" Sofia asked

"Oh yes, Loreli has made it clear that I have stayed here long enough." Tilly replied.

"What did King Roland say?"

"He agreed." Tilly answered. "See you at dinner." 

Once Tilly left, Sofia sank to the floor. "Oh no! Tilly and Rolands memories have been wiped! Robin, Clover, Mia!"

The two birds and rabbit appeared. "Whats up princess?"

"Im not a princess yet Clover. And the one person that could have helped me cant remember who I am!" Sofia groaned.

"I saw that blonde woman with Tilly." Mia replied.

"Was she wearing a tiara?" Sofia asked.

"Yes. She took a ring off of Tillys hand." Mia replied.

"Where is the ring now?" Sofia asked

"Still in the library." Robin answered.

Sofia made eye contact with Robin and seconds later, she turned into a bird.


"Not now, can you show me the library window?" Sofia asked

Robin and Mia took off with Sofia on their tails. "In there, Sofia."

Sofia landed and became her human self. "How can I get in?"

"Look!" Mia pointed to a small crack in the foundation.

"Thanks. I wish to be small." Sofia shrank to only 3 inches.

"Be careful!"

"You know I will." 

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