Time To Spill

Começar do início

"Well I suppose I'll have to make up for that won't I?" He gives me a sloppy kiss on the lips and I bring my hands up to his hair tugging on his brown locks.

"Hey julian man I- GEEZ CLOSE THE DOOR NEXT TIME!" Fab shouts causing us to pull apart and me to hide behind Julian's tall frame.

"Get lost Fab!" Julian shouts back and I hear little footsteps run back down the hall.

"Sorry about that." he laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Now your friends have seen me unclothed twice today" I say laughing but secretly still embarrassed.

He chuckles and I step away from him picking up my dress from the floor and slipping it on.

"You don't have to go yet." He says sounding disappointed but I shake my head.

"No, I promised Holly I'd help her clean before her roommate came home" I say also feeling disappointed. My memory of last night is less foggy than before and I wouldn't mind going for round two this morning.

Julian sighs and I take his hand dragging him out of the room behind me.

"Anyone ever tell you that your ass looks amazing from behind?" Julian says as we walk down the hall and I laugh.

"Shut up and help me find my shoes."

Once I have all my things he walks me down to the street and hails a cab for me. He pays the driver a twenty note and gives me a kiss on the cheek before I go.

I wave out the window as I drive off and pull out my phone to text Holly.

'On my way home now.. Sorry I didn't text last night but I can't wait to hear about EVERYTHING! Xx Reese'

I notice the driver watching me in the mirror and I instantly feel self conscious. I am in last nights dress, with last nights make up and last nights hair. This is like the walk of shame but in a taxi. We finally make it back to Holly's and I hop out of the cab thanking the driver but feeling more thankful to be out of there.

I walk in the building using the key Holly gave me and take the stairs up to the second floor. I find holly's door and give a loud knock to make sure I won't be walking in on anything between Nick and her.

No response.

I use my second key to unlock the door and push it open, bracing myself for the mess. But it's already been cleaned and I see Jesse and Holly sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Uh hey guys." I say walking into the room and setting my things down at the table.

"Hey." Jesse says not even bothering to look up at me. "How was your night?"

I can tell she doesn't actually care so I don't bother actually answering, I just shrug.

"Did you guys clean all this?" I say looking around and gaping.

"Yeah it wasn't that messy actually." Holly says nonchalantly and I nod.

This seems all to weird, what time even is it?

I check my phone and let out gasp. It's almost four already?

"So I think we're gonna order Chinese, do you want anything?" Holly says coming into the kitchen and reaching for the phone.

"Yeah okay.. I'm gonna go shower, just get me whatever you get." I say awkwardly before walking to Holly's room. I laugh to myself at the sight of her bed, her sheets are all twisted and pillows are scattered all over the floor.

"So they had fun last night.." I mumble stepping around the mess and grabbing some sweats from my suitcase to put on after my shower.

I make my way to the bathroom and crank the hot water stepping in and let out a loud sigh. I didn't even realize how sore my legs were from last night until right now and I just want to sit down in the shower and let the water fall on me. I can't stop thinking about Julian and I suddenly wish he was here right now.

I rinse my hair and step out of the shower drying off with one of Holly's plush pink towels that she loves so much. Once I'm dry I slip on my gray sweats and a white hoodie and step out of the bathroom skipping back downstairs to get a bite to eat.

"I am starving." I say plopping down on the couch next to Holly and grabbing a plate. "Good thing the food got here quick."

"Me too." She says grabbing six chicken balls from the box.

Jesse gives me a look and I laugh, "What?"

She shakes her head and looks away and I throw a pack of soy sauce at her. "What!?"

She smirks at me with her hands on her hips and says, "Time to spill."

I give her a questioning look and she rolls her eyes.

"You didn't get home until four and you expect us to assume you weren't with Julian?"

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. I'm not embarrassed or anything but I don't really know what to tell them. I went to his place, fooled around, possibly had sex and then stayed the night. Not that interesting.

"Nothing that interesting happened." I shrug "What about you Jesse? I saw Nikolai at Julian's this morning but I thought you'd be with him?"

She shakes her head and takes a sip of soda before answering "No I went to Jason's last night instead."

I can't help but frown at this because I was so expecting him to be the guy she would stick with for a while. She's constantly finding new boyfriends, sleeping with them once and then moving on to the next. It's a sad cycle in my opinion.

"What about you Holly? How was your night with Nick?" I say changing the subject and giving her a big smile.

"Oh it was fine I guess." She says shrugging but I notice a weird look on her face.

"What's wrong? Did you not do 'it'?"
I ask nudging her trying to gain eye contact.

"Oh no she did IT." Jesse laughs "Just not with Nick."

Speechless (Julian Casablancas Fanfic) FinishedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora