He's Finally Gone

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"Reese, Reese babe wake up." I feel a pair of cold hands shaking my shoulder and I sit up quickly, shocked by the feeling.

"Oh my god Jesse you scared the shit out of me." I say rubbing my eyes.

All the memories of yesterday come flooding back and suddenly my body goes heavy. I feel used, betrayed and maybe almost a bit dirty.

"Yeah uh well you have a visitor.." She trails off and I instantly know who she's talking about. I can practically smell his obnoxiously expensive cologne from my room.

"We tried to keep him out but he insisted." She says and I nod understandingly.

"No, no it's okay. I have to face him sooner or later." I sigh getting up from my bed and trying to fix my face as best as possible in the mirror.

Not to look good, because Alex doesn't deserve that, just to get rid of the tear streaks. He doesn't deserve to know he made me cry either. We walk to the living room together and my heart stops when I see him sitting there on my couch.

"Reese-" he starts but I cut him off. I don't even want to hear the sound of his voice.

"No, you listen here asshole!" I take a step towards Alex and I feel the whole atmosphere in the room change, I feel powerful. That's something I hadn't felt in a while, since I started dating Alex actually.

"First of all, how dare you! You know, I trusted you! I used to brag to all my friends about how great you were, just to find out you were nothing but a scum-sucking spoiled douchebag. Oh, and another thing, all that crap you used to talk about how you would support me forever? Absolute bullshit! Everyone knows you and your whole family is going to lose all their money once your father gets proven a fraud. Yeah, don't think I don't know stuff! Oh and ANOTHER THING-" I want to keep going but before I can continue my rant Holly stops me.

"Reese lets just tell him to leave, please." She try's to put her arm around me but I shove it off.

"Fine then if that's how you feel then I'll go, but I want my gifts back." Alex says and I can't help but laugh.

"Well you better go start a fight with Jim the homeless guy downstairs on the street because they've been tossed out the window. But to be quite honest, I don't think you could take him." I snarl. I want to break him.

Alex makes a shocked and horrified face and I have to admit, it feels great.

"Fine you know what, I don't even care! You'll miss me Reese, you fucking need me. I know you." I can practically see his ego deflating and it just increases mine.

"Yeah, whatever Alex. We all know you're a sloppy kisser and your penis is the size of a grape." Jesse laughs and he instantly goes red.

"You told them that?!" He gasps, looking to me with pure desperation in his eyes.

"She didn't have too." Jesse smirks and Alex lets out a loud huff.

"That's it, I'm leaving. Goodbye Reese. Good fucking luck." He turns to walk away but Holly stops him.

"Oh hey Alex you forgot something," Alex turns to look at her and she gives him an evil smile. "You're pride."

This time we all burst out laughing and Alex finally leaves.

"Oh my god, I love you guys." I say through fits of giggles as I wrap my two best friends in a tight hug.

"And we love you." Jesse says giving me a tight squeeze.

"Yeah, who needs boys!" Holly adds and I nod in agreement.

"Well I don't know, Nina might." Jesse says and Holly slaps her arm laughing.

"Wait who's Nina?" I question feeling very left out and confused.

"Nina is Jesse's, uh.. honey pot." Holly says giving Jesse a disapproving glance as we all pull away.

"Ugh god gross Jess!" I say and Jesse gives me a sweet smile.

Man I love these two.

Speechless (Julian Casablancas Fanfic) FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now