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"Oh my god," I moan rubbing my eyes. "My head is pounding and I feel like throwing up."

"Not in my bed!" Holly laughs from the bathroom.

"How are you even alive? You had more to drink than me last night!" I whine sitting up in my bed and yawning.

"Yeah right, Miss.Whiskey queen" Holly jokes coming into the room with her makeup and hair done wearing a cute floral blouse and light wash capris.

"Oh god I feel terrible!" I cover my head with a pillow and groan.

Holly just laughs and walks out shouting "Breakfast is in five."

I hop out of bed and walk to the bathroom, tip toeing on the cold floor. I look in the mirror and wince at the sight of myself.

My makeup is smudged all over my face and my hair is in a ratty bun at the top of my head.

I go back into the bedroom to find my phone and take a picture to send my friends back home but when I go to check it's not there.

"HOLLY!" I scream instantly regretting it. Ouch.

"Yeah?" She says popping her head in the bedroom.

"Did you see my phone anywhere?" I ask in a panicked tone frantically searching through the bed.

"Uh no sorry, must be at Julian's" she shrugs "here's my phone I think I got Nick's number."

I smirk at her and she giggles going back to the kitchen.

I go through her contacts and click the one that says 'Nick❤️' laughing to myself at the heart.

It rings three times before anyone picks up.

"Hello?" A voice that sounds like Nikolai answers.

"Hey uh this is Reese is uh my phone there by any chance?"

"Oh hey! one sec" I hear shuffling and then I hear him yell "IT'S REESE, IS HER PHONE HERE?"

There are a few groans in response and one really excited "Hi Reese" which sounded like Fab.

"Yeah here it is tell her she forgot her underwear in Jules room too!" A roar of laughter rings through the phone and I hear Julian's voice chime in. "Oh grow up man."

Wait what did he say? I quickly check and to my relief I do have my underwear on.

Then Nikolai was back "Yeah it's here!"

"Okay great can I swing by and get it later?"

"Yeah no prob we'll be here." I can practically see him smiling on the other side of the phone he sounds so excited. "You could bring Jesse too if you want."

Aw cute.

"And Jules is here so you guys can finish up from last night.." He adds.

Not so cute.

Another round of laughter followed by a grumpy Jules.


I just thank him and hang up but I couldn't get over those comments. Did I actually do something with Julian last night that I don't remember? Or are they just teasing him?

"Does he like me?" I mumble to myself but I'm interrupted by holly shouting.


I grab my head and wince. But pick my ass up and head downstairs.

"Hey." Jesse says sounding just as bad as me.

I just nod at her and take my place at the table.

"So your roommate isn't getting back till Tuesday right?" Jesse asks causing my ears to perk up.

"Wait what?" I grin suddenly feeling so much better. "It's only Friday right? Let's have a party!"

Holly's eyes grow and she shakes her head rapidly. "No no no! She said no mess"

"C'mon if we have it tonight we have like, what? Five days to clean up?" I look at Jesse and she nods looking convinced.

"Four days and I don't know you guys.." Holly shakes her head starting to bite the inside of her cheek; a nervous habit she has.

"Come on Holly, it's just a party. Besides she's your roommate not your mom!" Jesse pleads and I nod my head putting my hands together in prayer, causing her to crack a smile.

"Fine, fine. But you guys are paying for booze!" She laughs and me and Jesse high five in victory.

Speechless (Julian Casablancas Fanfic) FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now