Here We Go

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I wake up on cold tile and my head is pounding. Where am I?

I sit up and see Julian leaning against the porcelain tub fumbling with a business card looking bored as hell. He notices me shifting positions and smiles, laughing at me. I blush, clearly I've done something embarrassing I just wish I knew what it was. Oh right, the pink pill and the stranger with the afro.

"Hey." Julian chuckles and I laugh as a place my head in my palms.

"Hey." I respond trying not to look at him.

I look around for my phone but don't see it. Ugh, I hope I didn't lose it.

Almost as if he read my mind Julian holds up my black phone. "Looking for this?"

I nod and take it, checking the time.

1:27 AM

Woah, I got here at like nine.

"You were out for a while." He says, "How do you feel?"

Well, first of all my head is spinning and second of all I have a mad craving for some cheese fries.

"Oh, pretty good." I lie.

"You look pretty hot." He jokes and I moan.

I don't even want to look at myself but I probably should, maybe I can try to fix the mess that is my face. I stand and Julian watches as I stumble towards the sink, leaning against the counter for support. I gaze at myself if the mirror and I'm embarrassed at what I see. My mascara is running all the way down my face and onto my neck and my hair is half wet and completely knotted. There is no coming back from this.

"Oh my god." I gasp, rapidly wiping my cheeks with my hands. Julian smirks as he stands and joins me in the mirror.

"Don't worry, I meant it when I said you look hot. Weathered, I guess." He chuckles as he wraps his arms around me from behind and begins to kiss my neck.

I instantly feel better about looking like shit and his lips feel so good against my skin. Suddenly I have this extreme urge to get out of here and go back to Julian's place. I turn around on my heel and press my whole body into his as I crash my lips onto his, sloppily kissing him so he gets the message.

We stay there for a moment before he pulls away and smirks, "What do you say we go back to my place?"

I nod and bite my lip, smiling.

He grabs me by the wrist and quickly unlocks the bathroom door pulling me behind him and rushing towards the door. We make it down to the street, taking short breaks to make out in the hallway and the elevator. I can't keep my hands off of him and I want him now.

He struggles to hail a cab and I ignore everyone around us on the street as I kiss his neck and press myself into him. He finally manages to get us a taxi and we hop in the backseat, he shouts the address to the driver before grabbing my face in his hands and kissing me roughly. The poor man in the front seat is probably so aggravated but I can't stop myself.

Back at Julian's apartment building we run through the hallway laughing and dancing around like idiots. I feel drunk on happiness or maybe I'm just still tripping a bit.

He unlocks his door and I storm in heading straight for his record player, browsing through old records and admiring his collection. He has so many records ranging from The Doors, to The Bee Gees, to the Velvet Underground. Julian is in the kitchen pouring us drinks, probably. I select an old Michael Jackson record and skip to track 8, P.Y.T.

Julian laughs from the kitchen and I turn it up and dance my way to join him at the counter.

"I want to love you,
Pretty young thing.."

Speechless (Julian Casablancas Fanfic) FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now