xi. amortentia

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amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world.


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DOMINIQUE HAD AWOKEN TO A FINGER REPEATEDLY POKING HER CHEEK. Her hand came up to swat it away tiredly, her head rolling to the side as she mumbled incoherent words. She didn't know what she looked like, but she knew it couldn't have been her best moment. Her hair was tousled and the makeup around her eyes must have smudged, even if it was minimal - just mascara and eyeliner. Her eyes opened reluctantly, her eyebrows furrowing as she felt herself laying on a soft, comfortable surface.

During the night, Dominique had somehow manoeuvred her body so that she was laying on top of Remus, his right arm wrapped around her waist and holding her as if she was a teddy bear. Her left arm was being cuddled by Sirius, and both males were in deep sleep. Dominique hadn't forgotten about all the things she had said the night before to Sirius and Remus, even if they were all intoxicated. She couldn't help but cringe and hoped Potions wouldn't drag so she wouldn't have to be in their presence for too long. She could already feel the embarrassment.

"Choosing is overrated," she had said, as well as calling them both beautiful. Sirius had told Remus about their rendezvous. Her stomach felt tight, and she was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she didn't notice James and Peter standing over them, both snickering as they watched Dominique try to piece together where she was. Judging by where James was standing, he had been the one poking at her cheek.

   "Rise and shine," James said in a sing-song voice. Sirius and Remus didn't even stir as Dominique carefully untangled herself from them, her cheeks feeling as if they were on fire.

   "Shut up," Dominique said, but she didn't sound nearly as threatening as she had intended to. She was flustered, mostly because she didn't detest sleeping next to Remus and Sirius. In fact, she had enjoyed it. However, she would never be caught saying such a thing out loud. Running her fingers through her hair, she looked around the Gryffindor Common Room, feeling extremely nauseous due to all the strong alcohol she had drank the night before.

The very moment she had woken up, she had felt like she had been hit in the head by a Bludger. Hangovers were never fun, and she never handled them well. She managed to push down her nausea, her hand placed over her mouth as she took deep breaths.

   "How much did you guys drink?" Peter asked, nudging Sirius' foot with his own gently.

   "Too much," Dominique replied as she started to make her way over to the portrait. She didn't want to be there when Sirius and Remus woke up, as she felt she had enough embarrassment waiting for her in Potions - which was first period.

   "Hey, aren't you going to give them a morning kiss?" James called as the portrait opened.

   "Oh, piss off," Dominique snapped, only increasing her own headache. Groaning, she closed the portrait behind her and tried to gather her bearings, looking for the shortest route to her common room. Before she could, the portrait opened again and James walked out, looking as if he had chased after her. "What now?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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