kidnapping the vikings

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Rosie:💖 (which is my actual name haha ik i hate it
too) i may have kidnapped all the vikings in the great hall and turned it into a movie thetere so they can watch their future!!!!!! my friends are

Tree : 💙
Saule : (which is french for willow) (i'm french btw haha)💖
Freya :💖
Damon: (salvatore) hehe no jkjk 💙
Phantom : 💙

so 3 girls 3 guys Rosie is the hottest by the way haha for obvious reasons 😳😳🙊🙊

okay so i'm gonna start now i've never written a book before and i'm just kinda winging it so haha

[Black out] scene opens to the great hall aka thetere and the riders who are from rtte life but like the haven't started rtte adventures yet if you get what i'm saying everyone from berk is here including stoick and Gobber as well as the Heather, Dagur, wing maidens , and the defenders of the wing

Astrid: "umm where the heck are we "

Hiccup: "I have absolutely no idea"


[everyone on berk is freaking out]

Tuff: "if i'm going to die i don't want it to be with my idiotic excuse for a sister"

Ruff: "I could say the exact same thing" [glaring at tuffnut]

Rosie: "relax everyone welcome to the thetere today we will be watching rtte and watching your future because that's super fun!!!]

phantom: "there's popcorn if you want and a bunch of drinks and stuff because idrk what your berky people are used to"

Stoick: "This sounds intriguing "

Fishlegs "what is popcorn"

[whole of the kidnappers stare at fish legs in disgust]

Tree: "HOW DAREEEE YOUUUU" *about to shove popcorn in fish legs mouth when Saule stops him"

Tuff: "yeah fishlegs it should be called THE CLOUDS OF CORN, OH MY THOR THATS SUCH AND AWESOME NAME! I CANT BELIEVE I JUST THOUGHT IF THAT! can you guys believe i just thought of that !?"

snotlout: "congrats tuff but nobody really cares "

Freya: "shall we get into the show now ?"
[all of berk nodded]

reacting to rtteHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin