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"Wait Teruhashi what do you mean that your still being the chief?" Saiki asked Teruhashi

"Oh yeah , I talked to our principal about the festival and he agreed that it's better to have two chiefs running both genders than one chief running the whole show" Teruhashi explained

"Good grief , now I'll be stuck with Teruhashi until the festival is over , why did I have to get stuck with her now my attention will rise , not that I don't have enough already" Saiki thought

"Jeez! , Why is Saiki always with Teruhashi!" , "Is Saiki a Stalker!? , We have to protect our Goddess Teruhashi!" The crowd muttered

"By the way Saiki , you mind us going somewhere to plan things , I would invite you to my house but Makoto is still there" Teruhashi said

"Yeah sure whatever  , what time , what place ,what day?" , "How about Saturday at your place , 12 am at your place "Teruhashi replied

"Ok fine don't disturb me until then okay" Saiki asked Teruhashi

"Meanie , fine you got a deal!"


"Good grief why does Teruhashi have to come here its in all the days she could've come it has to be on the day I don't see anyone... , she's about to come here too lets -"Saiki said

"Hello Ms.Saiki is Kusuo here?" Teruhashi asked

"Shit! , she's already here I was too busy thinking that I couldn't sense her coming and my mom won't let her leave , so I do have to help ... good grief" Saiki thought

"Hmm? Kokomi?! , What are you doing here?" , "I'm here to see Kusuo we have to plan the schedules and other things for the New Years Festival coming soon , is he here" Teruhashi answered

"Oh Kusuo!!!! Kokomi's here!" Kuromi shouted

"I won't come down, unless if you give me 5 coffee jellies" Kusuo sent to her Mom

"Oh Cmon , Fine Kusuo! , Kokomi come into the Kitchen and sit on the table I have to get something out of the fridge" Kuromi said

"Who was she talking to? Saiki? I didn't ever hear his voice , maybe she's just a good parent!" Teruhashi thought to herself

"Okay Teruhashi , I'm here now so lets hurry with this and get on with this" Kusuo said as if he wanted this to end quickly and well he does

"Okay Kusuo here are you Coffee Jellies!" , "Oh thank god I really did think mom was going to do something weird well she didn't thats good" Kusuo thought

"Kusuo was already gulping some of his coffee jelly until he felt it , the same feeling he had when he lost his powers but only stronger , he could feel somebody was watching him draining him of his energy"

"Hey Saiki? , Are you okay? , you look shocked as if you saw a ghost?" Teruhashi asked Kusuo worried

"Saiki gave his coffee jelly to Teruhashi out of panic running outside trying to use is clairvoyance , just like his teleportaion before it didn't work.."

"Saiki!! Why did you just give your coffee jelly amd run outside like that?! , Do yoi have a problem with me?! , or something?!" Teruhashi asked

"No , no its not that , its just complicated.. , you should go back inside feel free to eat the coffee jelly" Saiki said in a state of panic

"Umm okay Saiki feel free to tell me what's going on okay?" Teruhashi said worried about Saiki

"Okay okay , Someone or something is trying to stalk me , maybe the government? Did they found out? , no it can't be , maybe a stalker from Teruhashi trying to get rid of me , but how would they know about my powers and know how to stop them, this is confusing "
" My head ..... (out of scene precognition) Oh no , not again!" , " Teruhashi! Run!

Total of 617 words in total , sorry for the long delay just been busy with school and binging anime as you can guess if i dont post for a while please be patient for me , it's probably me being lazy anyway feel free to ask the characters anyways saranara!

Invincible Couple (Saiki x Teruhashi Fanfic) DiscontiuedWhere stories live. Discover now