Kokomi Teruhashi?

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"Wait you mean Teruhashi can get rid of my powers?!" Saiki sent to Kusuke in shock

"No of course not , when you first met your powers were still in touch , yes?. I'm saying that your powers are reacting to her maybe in a positive or negative way , to put it short , your feelings are now getting involved with you powers" Kusuke said to Kusuo

"Feelings ? I don't have any kinds of feelings towards Teruhashi except annoyance" Kusuo sent to Kusuke

"Well that's not my business but staying with Teruhashi may affect the future of your powers and yourself" Kusuke said to Kusuo

"What do you mean?" Kusuo sent to Kusuke

"I'm saying that there's a fifty - fifty chance that your powers will be erased or increase , increase to a power that the limiter can't handle even with your weakest and useless abilities from S1 E2 of the Netflix Remake" , "So if you don't want to take a chance I say it's best to stay away from Teruhashi until I know the full explanation" Kusuke said to Kusuo

"Wait what do you mean by Netflix Remake? Anyways that's not important but so staying away from Teruhashi is the best way to handle this?!" Kusuo sent to Kusuke

"Well yes baby brother , that is the best way to handle this" Kusuke replies to Kusuo question

"Yes! That's like killing two birds with one stone! But this time one is human!" Kusuo thought in a very glad and excited way

"If that's all I think you should send Teruhashi back to her house , I think she's snooping around our kitchen supplies.." Kusuke said

"She is , I saw with my clairvoyance but yes I should send her back to her home before his brother asks me" Kusuo sent to Kusuke

"Um ok but I see your powers are alright now?" Kusuke asked

"I guess they are" Saiki replied

*Teleports to the Kitchen because why not*

"Teruhashi I need you to go home now" Saiki sent to Teruhashi

"Really!? , its so early though and we just came , and plus you didn't even answer my question earlier about what's so important , how about we hang a little more? Teruhashi complained and asked to Saiki

"Look , I'll make it up to you by taking your place as the chief for the project we're having so you don't have to do it okay?" Saiki sent to Teruhashi

(The day of today is Dec 20 they have a project from the school to have all classes help and make a festival at P.K Academy for the New Years , and yes they are on break this like summer homework but you build some booths and rides instead)

"Okay fine I'll accept your offer , see you tomorrow at the building site for the festival" Teruhashi said

"Just wait until he finds out what I'm really up to! I bet he's gonna say oh wow about 50 times!"  , "I heard that..."  Saiki thought to himself

Saiki Kusuo's POV
"Its time to deal with the problem What is the most efficient way to avoid Teruhashi.. , The Maximum I need to see her is 2 for talking about the booth and and saying I'm the one in charge , but what did shemean about what she's up to , I heard what she said but what I don't know is what she's going to do... "

"Maybe I shouldn't over think it , I should go now before dad wakes up and I have to teleport him to work , I wonder if mom bought the new coffee jelly I requested, maybe I'll go check"

Later (Specifically going to the build site)

"I just arrived and there's already so many pests around..." Saiki thought to himself

"Ohhhhhhh hey there buddy!!!!! , you wanna go get some ramen?" Nendo asked Saiki

"You Dimbwit! , we can't we're supposed to building booths for the New Years festival!" Kaido screamed at Nendo in a angry way

"Oh right..... sorry buddy I can't get ramen with you" Nendo said to Saiki

"But you're the one who asked..... nevermind I do have to do something" Saiki thought

"Hey , Kaido can you get everyone in our class to the center of the cite" Saiki asked Kaido

"Ummm sure Saiki , why not , but like why got something important to say?" Kaido asked

"Yeah sort of , its for the festival" , "Oh ok! I'll call everyone in our class!" Kaido said

Kaido left and after while Saiki followed to help him get the people he couldn't find to the center but then he felt Teruhashi's presence

Saiki's POV
"Good grief I can feel Teruhashi's presence should I teleport away , no I shouldn't I do need to her to say that I'm going to be the new chief , but the thing she said yesterday I don't know what it is , fine I,l just go tell her and then teleport away when I'm out of her sight" , "Ok I'll do that"

Just as he was about to teleport to Teruhashi his power to teleport was lost again , even though he was fairly far away from he lost it , as long as he is in the same area as her some powers were restricted but somehow not telepathy or that is what he thought

"Good grief of course my teleportation ability is gone , so it is true that I can't be around her even at a safe distance , guess I have to walk-"

"As Saiki was thinking a blue haired girl walked up to him and said"

"Hey Saiki! Kaido told me to come to the center because you told him to , but he couldn't find you so I volunteered to find you" Teruhashi said but it felt like that she practiced saying that a lot , maybe she found him earlier

"Good grief I thought we were at a far away distance for her to atleast take some time to find me , guess we weren't" Saiki thought

"So are you going to tell everyone that your going to be the new chief?" Teruhashi asked

*Saiki nodded*

"Well okay! How about we walk together to the center of the cite? I'm pretty bad at directions.." Teruhashi asked in a nervous voice

"Well that's a lie you're actually good at directions but turning down an Teruhashi invite would draw attention so I guess I have to" Saiki thought

Later because I'm lazy -w-

"Everyone one here that has seen us has  been giving me these weird glares , the risk I took was calculated but man am I bad at maths..." Saiki thought

"Hey Saiki can I hug you??" Teruhashi asked

"She thinks this as a date even though we do have something important to do- "

As Saiki was thinking he was interrupted by an headache , the precognition ability was showing Teruhashi dying , he saw the cause of the death , crushing , Teruhashi died while being crushed by some big pieces and heavy pieces of wood

"Is that what I think it is? , Yes it is , the Precognition ability" Saiki thought

END (1166 words in the story)
Sorry for the long wait for this I was working on a cover for another story of mine coming soon

"Tsuihō-sha : Project XII"

Anyways thanks for the love and support see you next time!!

Invincible Couple (Saiki x Teruhashi Fanfic) DiscontiuedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora