Episode 24 - The New Mysterious Enemy

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When the group continue to walk, they finally reached their destination of a small village up ahead.

When the group continue to walk, they finally reached their destination of a small village up ahead

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Michiko: Ah, we have arrived.

Sakura: What is this place? What are we doing here, anyway?

Yukimura: Michi comes here every once in a while to provide assistance to the villagers.

Yuuta: I can see why, these people are living poorly. But why here?

Michiko: This village is located in a section deeper within the mountains that is hardly of reach to the village and Uesugi's castle. Truth be told, my family were responsible for the construction here for the poor to live stable lives. 

Yuuta: I'm actually glad we came along this time. After all, these people need all the help they can get.

Michiko: True. However, today is nothing major if you are expecting.

The four continue to walk to a house that says "Orphanage" in kanji.


As the group walk inside the wooden house, they are greeted by an old woman who seems to be the one in charge of the orphanage.

Old Woman: Lady Michiko. Is that you?

Michiko: Yes, it has been so long since I have seen you.

Old Woman: Look how much you've grown, and you've become so beautiful.

Yukimura: Indeed she has.

Old Woman: Ah, Lord Yukimura! It has been a long time. I recently heard from Lady Michiko here you two had an argument and have not come back ever since.

Yukimura: Um, yes you could say that.

Michiko: But the past is the past, and we have reconciled.

Looking at Yukimura and Michiko smiling at each other made the old woman's heart at ease.

Old Woman: That is great news. It seems I was worried for nothing. Oh, and it seems you have brought some guests along.

Yukimura: This is Yuuta and Sakura. They've come here to help us.

Yuuta: Nice to meet you.

Sakura: Hi there~!

Old Woman: It's nice to meet you two as well.

Michiko: How are the kids doing?

Old Woman: They are doing fine. They were eager to meeting you again, Lady Michiko.

Michiko: I am glad to hear.

Old Woman: Come inside please, I will take you to them.

The scene shifts to the back of the orphanage, where it's seen a bunch of young children playing and running around.

But they all stopped and got the attention when they heard the old woman's voice.

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