Episode 4 - A New Armored Rider Appears! The Grape Dragon!

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It starts at the Takeda dorms where Yukimura showed Yuuta the cherry blossom.

Shingen is showing the room where Yuuta will be staying.

Shingen is showing the room where Yuuta will be staying

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Yuuta: So, this is the room I'll be staying in?

Shingen: Indeed, since you are an official member of the Takeda army, I bear partially the responsibility to see you fit in.

Yuuta: Wait, what? Lord Shingen, I never said anything in becoming a part of your army!

Shingen: Well you've taken such actions in taking Oyamada's place of using his lockseed and belt, as well as using that other lockseed I've given you. Therefore, this already makes you into an official member of the Takeda forces.

Yuuta is shocked upon hearing this that his jaw dropped.

Shingen: Now then, I have to go take care of business. My young cub will come by to give you the details of the ways we operate here. I'll be seeing you soon, Yuuta.

Yuuta: ...You've got to be kidding me.

Later at night, Yuuta is sleeping on his futon bed. However, he's having a hard time sleeping due to his twist and turns.

However, the real reason is due to having that dream again. Where he's in a dark place and hears a mysterious voice.

Yuuta: This place again...?

???: Fruit...

Yuuta: That voice again, I knew it. Hey, is anyone there! Why do you keep saying the word "fruit"!

???: The... fruit... The golden... fruit...

Yuuta tends to hear more, but his dream is already fading...

The next day...

Yuuta is seen at Kanami's mochi stand, but with a very tiring look on his face. Like his appearance is of an old man.

Kanami came by with a plate of two sticks of ice-cream mochi on her hands.

Kanami: Yuuta?

Yuuta: Oh, Kanami... good morning.

Kanami: Your face looks so pale. Did you have some trouble sleeping?

Yuuta: Eh? Yeah, I guess you can say that. Had a weird dream last night. *thoughts*...Although, what's that all about with that voice saying some sort of "golden fruit"?

Kanami: I see. Then here, perhaps these will wake you up.

Yuuta: Ah, thank you so much!

Yuuta grabbed one of the mochi sticks and took a bite one of it. Then, Yuuta started to get surprised and his mouth started to get cold.

Yuuta: Whoo! These tasty treats did wake me up.

But as Yuuta tried to taste another one, his stick was snatched away from him. And the one who did it is a girl in a shinobi outfit, who immediately ate all the leftover mochi from the stick.

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