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James walks into the Ancient Runes Classroom alone. This walk is very different from how he normally walks, he's not really strutting like usual. He takes a seat at a desk and pulls out some books and his wand. He starts fiddling with it as more people walk into the classroom, including Lily and Severus. They each take desks a few seats behind James but still next to each other. James looks up from the wand and over to Lily. She doesn't notice him, but he is just gazing at her. It is a little creepy yet a little cute on James' part.

(mid-conversation with Severus)
So we're not going to train after classes today? We want to be prepared for the tournament Sev, as of right now neither of us have a good shot at winning.

I told you, I wanted to, but Slughorn asked me to stop by his classroom once my last class finished. You know how much I like potions.

I know, and I have no problem with that, but you can't get mad at me for breaking my promises when you do the same thing.

I guess.

(butting in)
Sirius, Remus, Peter and I are all doing some training after classes, if you'd want to join us, Lil.

Are you being completely serious, James?

(putting his right hand over his heart and raising his left)
Completely. See, I'm even swearing on it.

This isn't just another attempt at getting me alone with you?

Nope, though if you want it to be-

No, I'm alright on that.

Oh. Well, we were planning on being at the lake by four.

So, you'll really be there by 4:15. Then I'll meet you in the common room at 4:00.


Yeah- yeah, I guess.

Severus looks a little mad. Lily gives James a small, small, smile and then focuses her attention towards the ANCIENT RUNES PROFESSOR walking to the front of the classroom. As James also looks to the professor, he smiles as though he's really pleased with himself.

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