Chapter 7

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Sniffling through this cold night, can't go home, alone and starving. My stomach growls in the cell.Pants echoes through the hall. I hugged myself, and buried my face in my knees.

Stubborn, dumb, muge. Sigh.

I shouldn't have left, I should have just marry my father's bestfreinds son. This wouldn't happen, if only I knew this will come in this way, I shouldn't step out in that hole.

I shouldn't left in my house, I would still meet my friends. I would still eat everything I can and slept with my comfy bed.

I would be reading books right now, or listening to music, talking to my deceased mom. I am an idiot.

My tears fall down in my knees making my face wet. I wipe it down, and hugged myself tighter.

"Here, I know you had nothing to eat while you get here." I didn't react but keep crying.

Heavy groan."don't be stubborn, and just eat this miss.I'm being nice here." I look at him with my glare."you being nice?! YOU DIDN'T EVEN LISTEN TO ME AND YET YOU CALLED YOURSELF NICE?! "I yelled angrily. I throw the leaves at him fumming in anger.

Faint thumping. The warrior sigh." You've been a really bad girl. "I groaned." Listen here Mister, I told you this whole situation I am in! Is a misunderstanding! I didn't even know that this castle exist!"your eyes began to teary again.

"I couldn't go home now." You whimpered. The warrior watched you crying, it felt like you're telling the truth. I mean this attempt wasn't the first one but more than hundredths. The way he look at your eyes telling him, that you're innocent and you've been chased by Kim seokjin. He cursed.

He arrange his suit. "Eat or starve yourself." You didn't look at him. "That's why you all been called monsters. "The warrior stopped at your sentence.

"Don't you dare called us monsters, it's fine if it's me but not my king he's really great to us. While we are in a trap cage! He made us escape to the hell world! So don't you dare give us that name cause you didn't know what's behind of this!" He glared at me.

And walks away.

You smirk raise a shining metal for your escape. You laugh while you distruct him, but the words in his mouth went through your mind.

Trap? In a cage?

"I don't care I wanna leave this kingdom." You said with a plan.

In the other side of the world, tears of heavy rain all around the place. Stormy weather, showed a hint of guilt and regret.

Your friends was been called by your father.

With tears building up in their eyes. They stood facing up into the king slightly bowed.

Your father was sleepless finding you. It's been 1 week you didn't came home. He's getting tired and sick finding you.

"Don't worry King, where  gonna help find y/n. May I go to her bedroom?" They nod.

As they went all in the room of y/n. Everything was left untouch. Y/n's last meal, books been all around the carpet.

"Wait that's the book she was telling us about!"they nod.

"Jisoo, Lisa, Jennie try looking somethings that she might be going!" Looking around the room.

The only rosé know is the Daegu, where she said that she wanted to meet the King of Daegu's league.

She saw the book laying in the ground. "The book of  Enchanted! This is the book she was fan of!

Maybe she's in the Daegu now!

She told me to read this book, while your friends busy finding clues.

"I will read this."she began reading one chapter.


It was dawn no one is awake, an escape plan without no one noticing. She had to leave this life, she had to go back where she belongs. Her heart was pounding, she's nervous she don't what will happen but she had to try. She took off her shoes to make silent moves.

Looking inside the cell, where little window was occurred. She used socks to reach the window to watch who's awake.

Only to be met by silent atmosphere, no one will be awake they might be sleeping peacefully. You thought.

You nod and heads down, taking the key out of your dress that has been hide. You hold the lock, and tried to open the cell door and it's success.

You yelped in happiness silently, slowly opening the heavy metal door. You bit your lips trying not to create a little shriek. As it opens wide that can fit your body, you slip in and it did. You crawl down, looking forward to where the main entrance.

Your heart is beating loudly, you might fail and ended your life up.

"I had to leave until 5 minutes." You thought. When you spot no one, you walk slowly tiptoed. You passed every cell, the other prisoner was asleep. You straight ahead, until you met two sleepy guards on beside door.

You need to be silent, then you head in the middle. Groans and their sleep, you bit your lips. Until you did, you smiled to yourself.

You head out, and saw a large hall that can make you lost. You cursed while face palming. Stupid me!

But you manage to calm down, shaking your head. But then you where hit by a sharp glass in to your feet. You yelped covering your mouth, it's painfully that you can cry loudly.

Enduring the pain, you walk trying not to fall down. Limp foot taking a step, so hard to do.

It's pitch black lightened by a fire wood in it's corner but still creepy. Cold breeze touches your skin, you had to escape.

You met a big wide door, you tried to remember the direction.

I think this is the exit door.

You open and pop out your head, I'm correct! You walk ahead while limping. You saw the garden, there it is. The way to jimin's cabin!

But little did you know someone up the castle saw you. Watching your form down escaping, he suddenly disappears.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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