Friendly Wager

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Jasmine pressed the button to engage the platform and as it whined to life, she dashed up next to Isaac. "Do you think the other habitable moons orbiting this gas giant have been colonized?"

Isaac shook his head and smirked as he tapped his foot on the dais, "It's more than likely." He shrugged and turned his palms up to the ceiling, "I mean the other ships departed at the same time. But if memory serves, those pilots planned on settling on those moons."

"They'd still need to return to Aurora to report to the triumvirs," Jasmine said, folding her arms across her chest.

"No," Isaac reached out and tapped her nose. "They'll probably head straight to their homes and contact Quinn from there, or they might delegate the task to someone else."

With a smirk of her own, Jasmine slapped his arm as a flash of white light washed over them. An instant later, she gripped Isaac's wrist, "Care to place a wager on that?"

"What are you two betting on?" Quinn asked.

Isaac lifted a finger towards Quinn and stepped off the platform. He faced Jasmine, offering her his hand, "What kind of bet did you have in mind?"

Jasmine took it and tapped her chin, "How about if I'm correct, you buy all the drinks I want for an entire month."

Isaac's head bobbed as his lips stretched into a thin line, "And if I am right?"

"Then I'll buy the drinks."

"That's enough foolishness," Olyver snapped through a scowl. "There are more important things to discuss."

"Would the two of you let them enjoy their banter," Caitlin admonished.

"It doesn't sound relevant to the current situation," Olyver insisted.

"Shut up, Olyver," Quinn declared as he walked past the triumvir, bumping him out of the way. He offered his hand to Isaac with a grin, "I assume this landing was smoother than your previous attempt."

"Yeah, it was fine," Isaac answered, gripping Quinn's hand, "In fact, it was exceptionally uneventful."

Jasmine rolled her eyes and shoved Isaac's shoulder. "He's complaining about not having to perform a creative landing."

"What do you mean by that?" Caitlin asked with an arched eyebrow.

"He would have preferred something akin to the landing on Soloran, which was more of a crash than a landing," Jasmine explained.

"We walked away from that," Isaac countered. "And the colony is thriving." Isaac thumped Jasmine's shoulder and leaned closer to her face, "It wasn't a crash."

"He's not wrong, Jasmine," Quinn offered. "It might not have been the most pleasant experience, but if you can walk away from the vehicle, it's a landing."

"Whatever," Jasmine said, raising her hands. "He is just sore that the landing didn't require his attention."

"He wants a more challenging assignment, doesn't he?" Olyver asked.

Jasmine swiveled her head to look at the third triumvir. "Yeah, he's annoyed that he isn't on Escort One."

"He'll pilot an escort ship ahead of the next wave of world ships," Quinn offered, clapping Isaac's back.

"That's yet to be determined." Olyver stepped between the two men and glared at Isaac, "Right now, I want to know if the terraforming process started on your moon?"

"That wasn't our job," Isaac quipped as he eased Olyver away. "That responsibility fell upon the colonists, ask them if you're eager for an answer."

Jasmine slipped in between them, saying, "I think I noticed the machine starting their work before we left. So..." Jasmine tapped her chin and her face reddened, "What's that moon called?"

"Vodan," Caitlin replied.

"Are we going to name every planet based on the ship that seeds it?" Isaac asked, sagging his head.

"For the moment," Olyver retorted. "There will come a time when such sentiment is beneath us," he lifted an eyebrow, sneering at Isaac. "But that isn't a matter that concerns you."

Isaac lifted his hands in surrender, "Vodan is a wonderful name for a planet."

"But what of the other two ships?" Jasmine asked. "Have you heard from those pilots?"

"You are the first ones to return," Caitlin answered. "Though the representative from the other ships should arrive shortly."

Jasmine elbowed Isaac and leaned closer to Caitlin. "Are you expecting them to come by platform or send a communication?"

"Hey," Isaac protested as he pointed at the triumvirs. "Don't answer that question." He turned around and tapped Jasmine's nose. "Nice try, but we're waiting for them to arrive to get our answers."

"Is that what your bet is about?" Quinn inquired.

A ring along the dais glowed yellow, and Jasmine perked up. "It looks like I'm going to win."

"It only counts, if the pilots come through," Isaac answered.

Two women appeared on the platform.

Isaac clapped his hands and grinned, tapping his copilot's shoulder. "Neither of these women piloted either ship." Isaac snapped his fingers several times as his brow creased. His eyes shot open as his lips turned into a grin, "But I recognize them as part of the staff from the Ceatania, and that vessel was skippered by Harold and Gregory."

"That's correct," the woman on the right replied, "Ceatia is well underway and should finish setup within the week."

Isaac beamed as he turned to Jasmine, "It looks like I won the bet."

"These are the representatives from a single ship," Jasmine retorted. "Our wager could end in a draw if the pilots from the other ship arrive."

As the women stepped off the platform, another pair of people appeared, and Quinn tapped Jasmine. "Unfortunately, those two were aboard the Remus, and they didn't pilot it." Quinn squeezed her shoulder and sighed, "You're going to have to float Isaac all the drinks he wants for a month."

"Yeah, I gathered that." She punched Isaac's arm while jerking her other hand towards the exit. "On that note, I need a drink, so we may as well get started on your tab."

Isaac rubbed his hands together and grinned, "I better follow her for the first of many drinks."


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