
"Wha?" Harry asked as he set me down gently and I rolled my eyes at him, "I said be careful."

"I was being careful," I huffed before he forced our lips together and I patted his chest and pulled away and looked at the kitchen decorations. "What do you think?"

"Looks good, yeh' good at it." Harry hummed, his eyes flicking around the kitchen whilst I turned my attention back the lounge and I saw the tree that Harry put together and I smiled to myself as I saw the lush almost real looking bushy green tree.

"Thank you," I said quietly, "Will you decorate the tree with me?"

"If yeh' want."

I nodded as I stepped away from Harry and glanced at the time on my phone and I chewed my lip as I saw it in getting close to ten in the morning.

"Where's Gatsby?" I asked curiously as I put the bags of tree decorations on the coffee table as I tried to imagine how I wanted our tree to look.

"In bed."

I glanced over my shoulder to find the big dog bed in front of the window empty and I frowned as I looked back at Harry ready to tell him he was wrong.

"Our bed." Harry clarified and I closed my mouth before I pursed my lips and I nodded.

"I wish that were me."

"Yeh' got up at like half six." Harry pointed out dryly and I looked at him unimpressed.

"You know what I mean," I snapped, "I'm always tired maybe I need to see a doctor."

"Eat more iron." Harry said simply making me pull a face at him as I cut the tag off the white fluffy skirt before I wandered over to where Gatsby's bed was and pulled it out of the way.

"Why does he even have this?" I asked Harry curiously, I'd honestly never seen Gatsby even sit in his bed.

"I dunno, you bought it." Harry looked at me pointedly and I flushed and I looked at the bed I'd discarded in front of the sofa and bit my lip.

Okay so maybe I had a problem with buying things for our pets but sue me, they were cute.

"So what do you think about it going here?"

I glanced over my shoulder at Harry as I laid the fluffy skirt out on the floor in the corner of the window and watched as Harry shrugged.

"S'fine to me."

I exhaled through my nose at his nonplussed answered and I flicked my head for him to bring the tree over. I rolled my lips together as Harry wrapped his arms around the tree and bent his knees before he picked it up and brought it over.

"You're hot." I said simply making Harry raise an eyebrow at me as he dragged the tree slightly forward so I could still get around the back to decorate.

"M'know." Harry shrugged making me roll my eyes and I pushed his shoulder which made him laugh before I handed him the bag that contained the all the gold baubles whilst I started to unpack the red ones.

"Thank you."

I said quietly a little while later once we'd finished the baubles and I'd started hanging the gold poinsettia flowers whilst Harry did the red ones and I saw him blink before he looked at me.


"Thank you." I repeated making Harry stop what he was doing and I briefly realised it was almost twelve and I still needed to make food for the party tonight. "For decorating with me. For everything I guess."

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