Wolf huffed, standing. "I got her." Trace smothered a smirk and I rose an eyebrow.

"I only have the energy for one McKenna, brother, don't worry about me. She's all yours." I wanted to laugh but I knew it would piss him off. And Trace.

"She's 18, Wolf. Fucking watch it." Trace snarled, quickly wrenching his chair back and disappearing through the door.

Wolf and I watched him go then stared at each other. "Asshole," he grunted, leaving the room too.

I rolled my eyes at that, taking my cell phone out of my cut and dialing Riley. She never answered any of my texts so I wasn't expecting anything.

"Hello?" She answered, sounding far away.

I faltered, surprised. "Ri? Are you alright?"

"Angel," she sighed. "it's good to hear your voice." Fuck.

"I'll call you every day if you need it. When are you coming back by the clubhouse?"

Static sounded through the phone, like she was moving around. "Shooter has me on lockdown. And he knows who my niece's father is. I'll do what I gotta for the fucking answers. I will end this."

"Niece?" I whispered, turning behind me to look around for anyone that might have snuck in the conference room.

"Yeah...fuck, babe." She sounded so sad. I cursed in response. I had no words.


"You set Rage on fire, Angel. What the fuck do you expect me to do? Shit is so much worse now." Riley sounded put out.

I groaned. "He deserved it. Don't start."

Riley smothered a laugh. "You're unbelievable."

I smirked, walking to my room. Rebel was there, perched on the edge of my bed. Dressed in booty shorts and a crop top. The usual Reaper bunny ensemble. Ugh. My eyes about bugged out of my head. Shit.

"I gotta go, Ri. Talk later." I disconnected as I heard her begin to protest through the line. Just when she finally talked to me..

"You lost, little girl?" I sneered, looking behind me once more. No no no no. Not good.

Rebel put her hands up in surrender. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders in waves. "Just here to talk, Angel."

I stayed by the open door, not buying it. I wasn't about to have Riley despise me. The sisters looked nothing alike, and I had no particular feelings towards Rebel. She was pretty and sweet, but not my type. My type was fucking fire.

"I've heard that before." I muttered, slowly moving behind the door for privacy but not closing it.

"Just want to talk about Riley. She's your girl, but she's also my sister. I want to know how I can get her to not hate me."

I had to laugh at that. "My girl? Not even. She hates me 99% of the time too."

"You keep your dick in your pants?"

I choked on my own breath. "What?" The balls on this girl. Maybe she was a McKenna after all.

"If you aren't sleeping with other girls, why should she hate you?" Rebel rose her delicate eyebrows, completely right.

"She's no saint, either." I lowered my head, and stared at my boots.

"You wouldn't love her if she was." Rebel was seemingly wise on Riley. Wolf had a big fucking mouth and I said as much.

She blushed, brushing the comment off. "You all care for her but she's under some kind of Raging Bastard spell that I don't really understand." No, she wouldn't. No one did. I was just starting to.

Death Reapers MC: Angels to Ash Where stories live. Discover now