Chapter 2

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Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Bixlow, and Jellal are standing in line outside the club building, waiting to be let in.

"Why did I let you guys drag me into this again?"  Natsu asks, beginning to regret his decision as the anticipation builds.

"Because one, you need a break from work. Two, the hottest girls around dance here. They have different themes every weekend and tonight is dancer's choice so they get to have their own spotlight tonight, and rumor has it that they're into some pretty kinky shit." Gray starts.

"And three, you need to prove to us you ain't gay, Salamander. I haven't seen you with a girl in years." Gajeel finishes. Bixlow bursts out laughing while Jellal smirks.

"Fuck you, guys! It's not like that! I've just been so busy at the office, I just don't have the time!" Natsu defends.

"Hence, reason number one." Jellal mutters.

"What was that scarface?!" Natsu lunges towards Jellal and gets in his face. Jellal doesn't bat an eye, too used already to his friend's outbursts.

"Settle down man, or you're gonna get us kicked out of here before we're even in." Bixlow reminds them.

"That's what she said. " Gajeel mutters to Gray and he snickers.

"You guys are so immature. Why do I even hang out with you?" Jellal shakes his head.

"Because you llooovve us!" Natsu, Gray, Gajeel and Bixlow all say with their arms behind each other's heads. Jellal just laughs at his friends and agrees. They were like his brothers after all. They were there for him when no one else was at a dark time in his life.

Finally, the bouncers, Laxus and Elfman, open the doors, followed by a short old man that gives the guys a Hugh Hefner kind of vibe.

"Welcome, my children, to FairyTail, where all of your wet dreams come true! My name is Makarov and I am the owner. Enjoy yourselves tonight and if you have any requests, please ask!" Makarov turns around and returns to the club. Laxus and Elfman begin to check IDs.

Natsu is starting to mope and Gray slaps him on the back.

"C'mon, Fire Freak! Live a little! It's your birthday for Christ's sake!" he yells as they approach the bouncers.

"I'm only doing this for you guys." Natsu replies as he hands his ID to Laxus.

"Birthday Boy, huh?" Laxus chuckles.

"Yeah, my friends dragged me here. I don't normally go to clubs. Not my thing." Natsu responds. Laxus stares at Natsu as if evaluating him.

"Give him Bunny Girl, Elf." Laxus says over his shoulder while still looking at the pink haired male.

"Yeah! Bunny Girl is manly!" Elfman shouts as he turns to go into the club to inform the supervisor. Natsu's eyes nearly pop out of his head. Gray, Gajeel, Jellal and Bixlow are falling all over themselves laughing at Natsu. They are all thinking the worst(worst for Natsu, hilarious to the guys).

"Wait, what?!" Natsu panics. Elfman comes back and informs them that everything has been set up.

"Hold the fuck up! I did NOT sign up for this shit!" Natsu protests. The guys have calmed themselves down and are pushing Natsu into the club.

"Thanks guys!" Gray says as he walks past the bouncers and into the club.

"We owe you one!" Gajeel says with a wave as Bixlow and Jellal follow.

"Bunny Girl, huh? I think my sister's matchmaking habits are starting to rub off on you." Elfman nudges Laxus's shoulder with his elbow.

"Yeah, well when you've been married for over 5 years, you're gonna start pick up each other's habits." Laxus replies with a bored tone as he resumes checking IDs.

"Don't I know it." Elfman chuckles. "I look at folks' clothes nowadays and it's like I'm living a 'What Not to Wear' episode." Laxus just laughs.

In the Club

"Hey Lucy!" Mira comes in the dressing room.

"Hey Mira! What's up?" Lucy replies.

" Elfman says you've been assigned a birthday boy tonight. His hair is pink like your outfit actually." Mira smirks. Lucy rolls her eyes.

"Probably another lucky guy celebrating his 21st birthday. Lucky me." Lucy says sarcastically.

Mira chuckles as she turns around and mutters for no one to hear, "Just you wait Lucky Lucy."

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