Chapter 11 - Torture

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Wanda walked into the shop the next morning, confusion on her features when she was told that you hadn't returned to the Tower the night before.

"Y/N?" She called out, looking around the shop to see if you had stayed the night or passed out at your desk.

She walked straight up to the counter, where she saw your note sitting there. She read it swiftly and furrowed her brow. "Strange..."

Wanda grew curious at the letter. It didn't seem like something you would do, run off without telling anyone and leaving behind a simple note with little no explanation.

She stuffed the note in her pocket and sighed, turning to leave the shop.

She got back to the Tower, Natasha, Steve, and Clint in the living room.

"Did you find her?" Natasha spoke up.

Wanda shook her head, pulling the note from her pocket and reading it for them to hear, "Had to leave in a hurry to take care of business. I don't know when I'll be back. Don't wait up for me."

The team listened with confused expressions. "Doesn't sound like her." Steve commented.

"No, it doesn't." Wanda confirmed, reading over the letter again.

Clint shrugged, "If she doesn't show by the end of the week, we'll look for her. If she would be gone a while, she would tell us. I think she'd be fine."

Wanda sighed, she wasn't confident in that plan, but she would have to go with it. She got to her room and called your phone, getting no reply. She called again, leading straight to voicemail again.

She sighed, "Hey, Y/N/N. Um...I just wanted to know if you were alright... If you get this...please call me back. Or I'll worry." She weakly chuckled at the end and added, "Um...yeah. Bye, I guess."

She sent the voicemail and set the note and her phone to the side, hoping you would call her soon.


A couple of days passed and you were still locked up in that glass cell, feeling weaker than ever. You spoke with the girl who was with you a couple of times, making small talk to give her some kind of calmness.

"What's your name?" You asked her.

She quietly murmured, "Nadine."

"Y/N... How long have you been here, Nadine?" You asked her, keeping your voice gentle.

She was silent for a moment before she asked, "What year is it?"

Your eyes widened slightly and you gave her the year. She bit her lip and muttered, "Six years..."

Your mouth hung open slightly and you asked, "How old are you?"

"19, I think." She looked away. You clenched your jaw. These heartless bastards have been keeping this little girl since she was 13.

"I'll get you out of here, okay? I promise. I have friends who will find me. Good friends, reliable friends. We'll get you out of here and we'll make sure you're safe." You told her.

She hesitated before nodding slightly.

"Do you have family?" You asked, "Friends?"

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