Chapter 6 - October

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It had been a month since you joined the Avengers, you were settling in with the team of misfits fairly well and they seemed to like you. You and Wanda spent a lot of time together, you recently started training with her and you found more of a challenge.

You did a lot around the Tower, watched movies with the team, made dinner with Wanda, had a few game nights, and you'd gone on your first mission with the team only a couple days ago. You'd settled with the team very well.

Which is another reason you hoped this month would be okay.

It the month of October. The month of the Hunter's Moon. The month all vampires went crazy with blood lust.

You were dreading the days to come very soon. You were two days away from the start of the Hunter's Moon. You'd spent the weeks preparing, now you were mentally preparing for it.

You dragged yourself out of your room and headed for the kitchen to get breakfast before you completely gave up on food. As you walked in, you saw Wanda setting the food on the table. She greeted you, "Hey? Are you okay? You weren't up this morning, so I just made breakfast now."

You nodded, "Yeah, sorry. I wasn't up yet, I had to drag myself out of bed."

She tilted her head as she set the last plate on the table, "Is this because you haven't been sleeping much? All week?"

She placed her hands on her hips as she faced you. You sighed and bit your lip, "Um..." Wanda gave you a look, "Y/N, I told you last time. You need-"

"I know, I know. I'll...I'll explain after breakfast. I'll feel a little better after eating..." You told her. Wanda pursed her lips, "Okay."

You both called the team over for breakfast. They all came down, happy as usual, which you eventually learned was partially your doing, and ate. Breakfast went by pleasantly, though everyone seemed to notice the darker shades of your eyes, but after a look from Wanda, they all let it go.

After breakfast, however, you knew everyone would want answers after Wanda's looks. You gathered in the living room everyone piling onto the couches as they got ready to listen. You sighed as you lazily stood from your spot on the rug and took a pillow with you, wrapping your arms around it just to have something in your arms.

You sighed before you spoke, "So, as you can see...I look like hell." They all nodded in response, besides Wanda who only continued to listen. The only other person who didn't nod was Thor, who was standing against the wall as he listened in.

You spoke after a little pause and said, "Well, October is a hellish month for vamps."

"How so?" Steve asked as he leaned forward. You sighed and you asked Jarvis to pull up the moon phases for this October so you could explain a little better. You pointed to the hologram of a dark sky with nothing else but the little slit of a crescent moon.

You pointed to it and said, "This is tonight's moon phase. The day after tomorrow that moon will not be in the sky and it will be the start of a new phase. The first new moon of October is the start of hell for vamps because it's the start of Hunter's Moon. From new to full, vamps go crazy with blood lust."

Tony raised his hand a little as he said, "So, what, you'll want to eat all of us for 28 days?"

You rolled your eyes as you said, "Thank you, Tony, for that wonderful input."

You continued, "Every new moon is usually the night vamps go out to hunt. Unless you're like me and don't do straight from the vein for certain reasons. The absence of the moon increases our predatory instincts, makes us want to hunt, feed. But Hunter's Moon increases more than just the new moon. It gets worse as the full moon gets closer. Vampires will need to hunt, feed...all of it."

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