"i just turned 27 a bit ago. and yes but no. i am the commander of the order. my superior is supreme leader snoke. he is the real leader of the first order. he is actually my mentor,trainer, whatever you want to call him. but i am his apprentice."

"that is very cool, commander ren." you chuckled. "so, do you want to fully take over? like do you want to be the supreme leader some day, saying that because you said that position means you have total control?"

you asking this question actually made kylo have to think. did he really want to be the leader? could he handle it? "i dont know." is all he could come up with.

"hm. hey, could you unlatch me from this piece of crap? i am dying right now. this is so uncomfortable" you asked him, you truly were in pain. but not too much that you couldn't bare it.

"sure, whatever. you are lucky that i somewhat trust you. but, it isnt like you could attack me or anything." he said as he unlatched you from the piece of metal. you started to stretch your muscles out and walk around the room.

"wow commander hobo. i am so glad that you trust me. but you might want to take that last part of your sentence back, you never know what i am capable of." you said as you started to walk closer to him.

"now, is that a threat miss handfucker? do i need to get my men down here?"

"miss handfucker? dang, i have been insulted many many times and i have never heard that one before. i must admit, i kind of like you ren. you're cool, but not that intimidating. i don't know what people see in you that causes great fear."

hearing you say that you liked him caused kylo to grin for a split second. "i am so very honored you like me." he replied in a sarcastic tone.

"im glad. now, are we done here? im starving and i am about to pass out. i havent slept in forever dude."

"i guess so. i need to talk to your brother. and before you interrupt me or attack me, listen. i am not going to hurt him or even touch him. just, i need to talk to him."

"and why do you need to talk to him exactly?" you questioned. you didnt really trust kylo. even though you pretty much spilled your life out to him, you still didnt.

"i dont see the need to tell you. i will have some stormtroopers bring you to your room. there, they will bring you food and some new clothing."

"oh you are so rude. but thanks i guess. and if you could, is it possible for jaxx and me to share a room? i want to be with him if that is available."

"i guess i will get that arranged. i need to get go-" before kylo could finish, you pulled him into a big hug. kylo hadnt been hugged in what felt like forever, so he was a bit confused at first.

"thank you prettyboy. i appreciate it" you said as you let go of him. he still somewhat had a shocked look on his face.

"okay yeah whatever. i will see you later maybe." he said as he opened the door. as you stepped out, 3 troopers got ahold of you and led you to your and jaxx's room. they opened the door and pushed you in. you were a bit shocked when you stood up. the room was pretty large. it had black walls and black floors. to your left, there was a wall that was only windows. it looked like you were on a ship of some sort because when you looked out the window, all you saw were stars. it was breathtaking. you never really went out into the galaxy because you always had to take care of jaxx. you stared out the window for a good couple of minutes, being mesmerized by it. you then walked over to the right. you saw a door and you opened it. for some reason, you almost choked on your own saliva. it was a bathroom, but nothing like you had ever seen before. it had black walls and floors just like the room, but it had a silver sink, shower, toilet, towels- pretty much everything that wasnt the floor and walls were silver.

"i am actually kind of glad that we got kidnapped. this is far better than what we had on tatooine" you spoke to yourself. walking out of the bathroom, you walked to the door that was next to the bathroom. you opened it and it revealed a giant closet.

"oh my stars. this is- is huge!" you almost screamed. you were so happy right now, just at the sight of a huge closet. walking out of the closet, you then walked to the middle of the room- where the bed was located. it was silver with black sheets. you sat down onto it and almost fell asleep right then and there.

"i- i- i cant believe i am saying this, but i am in love right now." you said to yourself once again. the bed was the most comfortable one you have ever even laid on. getting up, you walked over to a small desk that was near the entrance door. it had some pens and pencils on it, along with some paper. you got up once again to walk over to the other side of the door, where there was a massive bookcase.

"this. is. craz-" before you could finish, the door opened. you walked over and saw 2 stormtroopers holding what looked like a tray of food.

"thank you. i appreciate it." you said to them as you grabbed the tray.

"we will return to get you fitted for some clothes. be ready." one of them spoke to you.

"okay. i got it." you said as you turned around to go sit at the desk to eat. you heard the door shut and you started looked at what was on the plate.

"oh wow. this looked very...interesting" you said as you eyed the plate. their was a glass of water, some stew in a bowl, a type of fruit you have never seen before, and some crackers? you weren't complaining at all. at least they were feeding you. you started eating and you weren't disappointed nor extremely content with the taste. it just tasted, well normal? you couldnt really describe it. you finished up and looked around the room for a trashcan. as you were, you heard the door slam open and you saw jaxx.

"hey jaxx! are y-" you saw that he had this look on his face. a look you have never seen him have.

"you have some explaining to do. now." he said in a tone that almost frightened you, even though barely anything did.

"okay. what abo-" you tried asking before getting cut off again.

"sit down." he simply said.

you would be lying if you said you werent a bit scared. you had never seen him like this. never in your whole life of living with him. it is almost like you didn't recognize him. like he turned into something else. you didnt like it 1 bit, and you had reason to not.


authors note

oh shoot! what is about to go down?? this is the longest chapters i have wrote, so i hope you enjoyed!!!

- i.t

broken as i • a kylo ren storyWhere stories live. Discover now