Chapter 2

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Seeing this young girl appear seemingly out of nowhere and fearlessly holding his crazed and bleeding progeny in her arms stirs the other man to life as well. He comes out of his hiding place, watching the scene unfold before him with bewilderment. Where did that girl come from, why isn't she scared out of her mind by his frenzied creation, screaming his birth-pains out covered in blood? And most of all, is his secret out? W

ith his limited experience with people he has little idea how to handle the situation, so he just stands there, waiting and and watching.

Meanwhile, the bloody creature is silent, though from the look in his eyes Adison can see his physical pain is not lessened. He is just holding it inside, suspicious of her she thinks, and not willing to show his weakness. Actually, he is just stunned by everything that has happened.

He has just been born in incredible pain and a welter of blood, and the person who has caused him to be has fled from his agony and frenzy in fear and rejection. And this strange person comes out of nowhere in response to his pain and fearlessly holds him close to her, to comfort him in his most vulnerable moment.

For some time, nothing changes. Adison holds the bleeding man close, giving him what reassurance she can. When she feels him becoming heavier, giving up the cramped pose of suspicion, or extreme pain, she starts to look around for a bed to put him in and see what really ails him, maybe dress those wounds.

She sees the scared man observing her, not so much scared anymore as holding back, maybe thinking of a way to take control of the situation and his attic.

'Can you please tell me where this patient's bed is, so we can help him back into it?' Adison asks the man, probably the doctor in charge.

The man points his head at a bare table, set at working height, more suitable to dissecting a corpse or dressing a steak than nursing a sick man. Besides being uncomfortable, it's covered in blood.

'That is not suitable for an injured man to rest in', she says, 'it needs to be comfortable and clean, lest his wounds go bad.'

Incredibly, the doctor just nods and walks out, presumably to fetch a softer, cleaner pallet. Adison looks back at her charge, who seems in less pain already through her steady presence.

He watches her, not in a frightened way but with hunger in his eyes, as if she has already given him something he craves, but wants, nay needs, more of the same. No problem for Adison. She holds him and even manages to stroke his poor shaven head. The awful wounds and the blood covering it don't matter to her, nor the intense yellow eyes that keep staring at her.

She holds him where he is not hurt, and gives what comfort she can to this helpless wild creature.

When the doctor returns, indeed dragging a makeshift pallet behind him, Adison lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

After all, she is in the man's house without invitation, and somebody did horrible things to a strong man apparently in his prime. It may very well have been the doctor.

Sitting on the pallet with her back to the wall, with the injured man settled comfortably in her lap, she witnesses exhaustion slowly taking hold of him.

He is still watching her, but wariness and hunger have left his eyes. Weariness has taken over.

There is still some pain there, but that is to be expected. It seems that he trusts her enough to mostly let go of his consciousness, and Adison is determined to deserve that trust. Also, she is very curious whether the doctor really is a doctor, and if he will throw her out of the house or let her stay with the victim.

Nature or Nurture: the raising of a monsterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon