Chapter 33

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It is a wonderful evening for Catherine, she loves everything, the hustle and bustle of London, the beautifully dressed ladies and gentlemen, the grand theatre, and of course, the play itself, with her father the hero in a tale of blood and woe.

Adison watches Catherine as the little girl watches the play, and it seems as if she already understands some of the action. She must be a very precocious child, and living in the city seems to agree with her, for so far they have not seen a thing of the temper Nelly said she had.

The pretty little girl catches a lot of attention, ladies often talk to her and admire her dress and her pretty black locks framing her finely featured face, and she enjoys the attention, but as her father would, as an actress pleasing the crowd.

Adison is not afraid all the attention will spoil her, Catherine is polite to her admirers, and she smiles at them, but she doesn't speak much, and if she does, it is with one or two words like a true toddler, almost as if she is hiding her true self behind a pretty, well dressed doll of a girl.

After the play they join the people allowed to meet the actors, and as Vincent lifts and hugs Catherine and asks her how she liked the play, he introduces her to Maud and the other actors, including Bruce, who hasn't been over yet.

They know Victor of course, but Mina gets her introduction to the crew, too, and she meets her friend Vanessa amongst the spectators. Mina has the feeling that Vanessa, who is usually very perceptive, has not recognized her yet, and Vanessa proves that by taking her hand and saying, 'I can't believe it, Mina, you are absolutely transformed! If it hadn't been for your holding hands with the handsome young doctor here, I would not have looked at you twice, well, except to admire your beauty. Not as someone I have known most of my life.

You haven't met my escort yet, have you?

Oh, you probably have seen him, come to think of it, but there wasn't much time for introductions that night.'

Vanessa introduces Mina to the American guy who was also at the raid where Mina got shot and saved, and he doesn't give any sign of recognition either. They shake hands like men, and Vanessa introduces her as Hermina, her full name, a very smart and alert move on Vanessa's side. It appears Mina can walk the streets unrecognized, so why give her away by using her name?

The American is obviously very charmed by her friend, but it is not clear at all to Mina whether that feeling is at all mutual. Vanessa has always been kind of an enigma, and Mina still doesn't know whether that is by design or by personality, or both.

After the usual pleasantries, Vanessa's American admirer, Mr Chandler, moves to Vincent and observes, 'I've seen you in this play in a different role, Mr Smith, but you deserve the lead, you're an actor born. Frankly, I'd say you should be in serious acting, you're the real thing.'

Mina doesn't hear what Vincent answers, for Vanessa is talking to her.

'I couldn't get your father to come. Will you step by one of these days? He would really like to see you again. You can walk the streets unafraid to be recognized.'

'Except that I cannot go out by day, dear Vanessa,' Mina replies, and her friend shows surprise and guilt at this realization. It was after all to get at Vanessa that Mina was lured by the enemy into becoming a vampire.

'But I will come by in the evening, not this week, but maybe next. Is that all right?' Mina asks her friend, 'I'll bring Victor.

Never mind, Vanessa, I'm happy now, even if I cannot ever see the sun again.

Vincent is going to teach me how to fence, I have a lot of time to practise and I am stronger and faster than you can imagine. If you ever have need of protection, please let me know, I will be there for you.'

Nature or Nurture: the raising of a monsterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant