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San Diego, California🌵

"What can I help you with today." I say sipping on my Iced Carmel Latte getting comfy in my favorite bean bag chair in my office.

"I'm having a difficult time having a orgasm. I feel embarrassed because my girlfriend is one of those girls who can cum quick and more than once."

"I see. Have you discussed this with your girlfriend."

"Yes. Of course everything is fine when I'm going down on her because she cums quick without hesitation. Then when it's her turn, don't get me wrong. I enjoy it. She's good with her tongue. I just-

"You ever heard of the term verbal degradation?"

"No I'm not familiar with it. Could you enlighten me?"

"Verbal Degradation is used when someone gets off to being degraded. What I mean by that is, being called a slut, bitch or whore. Of course you aren't those words, it's just for some people it gets them off."

"You think if she says these things to me. I'll finally cum?"

"Many woman have this problem. You aren't alone, so don't feel embarrassed. It's harder for some, more than others. I believe in your case, you say your girlfriend is good at going down. You just need that extra push to send you over the roof."

"I guess we can try it out. What if that doesn't work."

"It's plenty other ways to reach climax. This is just one I think will work for you."

"Let's do it."

"Well, if it doesn't work out you can always come back. Here, this book really goes into detail about everything, it basically coaches you through the whole process."

"Thank you!"

"No problem. How about we follow up in about a week." I said giving her a warm smile.

"Sounds great!"

I know you're probably like what the fuck?!


I'm Lena Patrice Gray. Also known as Dr. Gray to my clients. If you haven't caught on yet, I'm a sex therapist.


Mainly because I love sex.

I'm not just any regular heterosexual sex therapist, I'm a LGBTQ+ sex therapist. Not only that, I specialize in any LGBTQ+ relations.

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