Kyk's POV

The classes were over and it was time to go home. My new friends asked me to go with them but i had to go around some places to search for my part time jobs so i denied. They told me that they can me looking for it so i decided to go along with them. I had to make friends so i couldnt make myself distant from others like i did before. Bo Young lived a bit farther so she always had her car pick her up. She told me she would drop me off but i wanted to go around and see the places clearly and that i was going along with the guys so i refused again.
I reached home and found my mother arranging the dishes in the kitchen so i went and hugged her from the back. She smiled and told me to change my clothes and eat something and told me that she wanted me and noona (elder sister) to help her with something. So i quickly went to my room to freshen up. When i came down, my sister was ready to go out with many tiffins on her hand.
"What is that noona?" I asked.
"Oh...we have to go out. Mom said that we have to give these tiffin boxes to our neighbours. Its been a week since we moved here and now, we have to introduce ourselves and be friendly." She said and smiled.
"If we go together to all the houses, it would take too long. So i will  go to these four houses you go to those three okay?" Noona planned.
"Okay, lets meet up here again." I responded.
"Omo, you are so glad to have a neighbour so handsome. I saw your mother two days ago and talked to her too. She is a nice person. She told me she had a son. handsome." An elderly lady kept on praising while i shyly grinned.
"Thank you so much" i said and bowed. I gave her the tiffin box which made her extremely happy and so she praised me a little more.

I was done with two houses like that and proceeded to the third house. I rang the door bell thrice and heard a female voice. "Cominggg..." she said and opened the door.
She had gloves on her on which had flour all over it and same with her face. And I know her. She is my classmate. She is Gang Bi.

I could smell something really weird as soon as the door opened.

Gang Bi's POV

I was baking cupcakes for the first time in my life while watching some recipes on Youtube. There was no one at home. My parents were still at work and my sister was still at school preparing for some functions which was going to be held the following day. And my younger brother was probably at a neighbour's house playing some games. So i was all alone. And i was bored so i got the idea of baking something.

As soon as i kept the unbaked cupcakes inside the microwave, and turned the switch on, something suddenly bursted. There were smoke coming out of the switch. I didnt know what to do and was panicking when the doorbell suddenly rang. I was still hopping where i was standing looking at the ruckus and decided to run to the door.

It was the new guy....wait...whatt? What is happening right now?
I kept on staring at him and strangely he was staring too. It felt like a melodramatic moment when he suddenly sniffed and pointed inside the house, "Is everything okay? Whats that weird smell?" He asked
I was nervous and blurted out the situation in a hurry and in such a way that no sane person would understand it.
"If you dont mind"He said and straightly went in and i went behind him.
I showed him the plug and he told me to go a bit farther away.
I moved back and he immediately switched off the appliance and pull out the plug from the outlet to prevent any fire. He noticed  that the spark is not quite big and seemed to not come out of the outlet, so he sighed of relief. I dont know what was happening right now. One thing i knew was that he saved me, he saved my life!

He came to me and asked if i was okay. I looked right at his eyes filled with sincerity and bowed, "thank you soo much!" I kept saying.
"Its okay its okay" he smiled and i showed him the living room and told him to take a seat and poured him some water.

"There was no need for it" he said and told me all the things we should do in these kind of situations in order to stay safe. He sounded really mature.
"Oh btw i nearly forgot the reason why i came by." He said and i realized it too and wondered why the hell would he be here while he took the box he kept on the table when he came in.

"My mother made these ricecakes for the neighbours. I hope you like it. Enjoy the food." He said and handed the box to me and smiled.
"Neighbours??" I asked.
"Yes, we moved in last week and our house is that one." He said and pointed out of the window which was the house beside the one right in front of us.
I didnt know what to say and just said okay. He stood up as he saw his sister waiting outside and told me to stay safe and went out.

I sat on the couch and and thought over what the hell just happened.

Kyk's POV

I went to my sister and she asked what took me so long. I ignored it and told her that i got two part time jobs and that my new friends helped got the best of them.

"What? Why? You dont have to.." she said.
"Dont start again noona. I want to do it. And its not so hard. I will be delivering the newspapers in the morning and working at a convenience store after school. I can study there too." I said with  full determination.
"I wanted you to focus only on your studies this year. You work too hard for your age Young-a."

"You worry too much" i said and ruffled her hair and grinned.
We both laughed and took a walk at a park near our locality.

My mother and my sister were the same. They were both so adorable and sweet. They both worried about me too much and they both are very sensitive. I just wanted to be earn a real living soon and put them in a comfortable life.

I saw the swings in the park in which my sister was sitting and remembered something from the past.
And also about what happened before, I saw Gang Bi's childhood photo frame as i was stitting in her living room, so i knew it was her.
'So she really doesnt remember me at all and what a coincidence, she is my neighbour as well as my classmate! I smiled at the sky and sighed.


Author's note:

So this is the fourth update of this story. I hope its not too much and if you dont like something and find something weird, you can always tell me. I will try to improve and will be very thankful.
Thank you so much to all the readers.
I will try to update the next chapter the following day or day after tomorrow. 
Please wait and keep supporting.
Thank you..

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