valar morghulis

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"Your Grace," Grand Maester Pycelle warbled as he coughed slightly. "The gods do indeed hold bethrothal solemn, but your father, blessed be his memory, made this pact before the Starks revealed their falseness. I have consulted with the High Septon and he assures me that their crimes against the realm free you from any promise you have made to them in the sight of the gods."

Toria looked up at the seemingly saddened Sansa, but Toria knew her true feelings. "The gods are good. I'm free to heed my heart. Ser Loras, I will gladly wed your sweet sister. You will be my Queen and I will love you from this day until my last day." The Court began applaud the news of the newfound betrothal, Toria included. However, she smiled only for Sansa who woukd now be free of her brother's cruelty.


RAENA MARTELL looked into Robb's eyes as they stood in front of a Septon

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RAENA MARTELL looked into Robb's eyes as they stood in front of a Septon. "In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one," The Septon tied a ribbon around their conjoined hands as the two smiled. "For eternity. Look upon one another and say the words." Raena turned her body to look at her soon-to-be husband with a soft smile.

"Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger," Raena's eyes formed with tears at the words he softly spoke to her as she repeated them to his ears. "I am his and he is mine, from this day until the end of my days." Raena grinned as Robb brought her into a gentle kiss. After they had pulled away, Robb laid his forehead against his wife's as she smiled. She wasn't Raena Martell any longer, she was Raena Stark and that wasn't going to change any time soon.


RHAEVEN GREYJOY crept slowly behind Osha as they snuck into Winterfell

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RHAEVEN GREYJOY crept slowly behind Osha as they snuck into Winterfell. "Osha! Rhaeven! What are you doing?" Bran whispered harshly as the two continued on. What they saw terrified them. Winterfell was burning and there was nothing they could do. Rhaeven's eyes filled with tears at the prospect of her home burning to the ground. Summer and Shaggydog seemed to have spotted something in the Godswood, so naturally the others followed them.

Maester Luwin was lying against the Weirwood Tree and Rickon ran towards the man with Rhaeven following behind him. Osha reached out to stop them to no avail. Maester Luwin reached out his hand to squeeze Rickon's shoulder. Rickon removed the man's hand from his bloody wound as they stared at it in shock.

"Tell us what medicine to get from your chambers." Bran told the elderly man earnestly.

"We'll make you better." Rickon pleaded with the old Maester.

"I feel just fine." Thr old man replied looking at the Stark boys.

The boys began to cry. "They burned it down. They burned everything." Bran told the man spitefully.

"Not everything." Luwin corrected the boy who looked at him tearfully. "Not you, but they may come back. You have to go. Put on your warmest clothes. Pack as much food as you can carry and go North."

"North's the wrong way." Osha told the old man. "Their mother and brother's South."

"We don't know where. There are too many enemies in the South." Luwin told them carefully. "Go to the Wall, to Jon. He'll look after you and let your mother know you're safe."

"I don't want to leave you." Bran whispered tearfully as he looked at the man as he took his hand.

"No more than I want to leave you." Rhaeven guided herself to sit beside Rickon and hold him in her arms. "I pulled you into the world, both of you. I've seen both your faces almost every day since and for that I consider myself very very lucky. Go now with Hodor." Rhaeven nodded at the man sadly. "Go on. I'll be right here." Rhaeven gently took Rickon's hand and pulled him to his feet as Hodor stood with Bran in his arms.

Rhaeven gave the little boy over to Hodor. "Go with Hodor." She turned to Osha and then to Luwin.

"Osha, Rhaeven." The two knelt down as he whispered to them. "You must protect them. You're the only ones who can." Osha and Rhaeven nodded Rhaeven more tearfully than the Wildling. "You may have to protect them against your own kinds."

"I got no great love for my own kind." Osha told him quietly as Rhaeven looked at her sadly. Luwin whimpered in pain and Rhaeven placed a hand near his wound.

"I'll get you milk of the poppy." Rhaeven told the man gently. "Tell me where to find it."

The old man shook his head. "I don't want milk of the poppy." He instead looked down at Osha's dagger. Rhaeven let out a small cry at the suggestion. Osha nodded solemnly as she looked behind her at the boys and Hodor. "Do it quickly." Rhaeven turned her head away at the sound of Osha's dagger unsheathing.

When the deed was done, Rhaeven wiped her tears away and stumbled towards the boys. They left Winterfell and began to tread North the direwolves in front of them as the smoke of Winterfell cascaded into the Northern air.

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