the prince of winterfell

Start from the beginning

"Chopping off Joffrey's head you mean." Raena deadpanned looking at him with a steely gaze.

"That would be a start." A bannerman came riding up to them as Raena looked at everything but Robb.

"Your grace, Milady." Robb looked up at the bannernan. "The Kingslayer. He escaped in the night."

"How?" Robb asked with widened eyes and the bannerman refused to meet his gaze. "How?" Robb repeated with slight anger.

"Your mother, she set him free." Robb strode away from the Martell and the bannerman as he set off towards the camp leaving Raena behind with her mouth gaping open in shock.

LEYWS LANNISTER walked alongside his niece, Marlena, as they caught up on the past few years

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LEYWS LANNISTER walked alongside his niece, Marlena, as they caught up on the past few years. "Any Lords caught your eye yet?"

"Not yet." Marlena smiled softly thinking of Edmund. "And I could ask you the same question."

"How mang Lords have caught my eye?" Lewys asked her incredulously to which Marlena shook her head dwith a small smile

"No." Marlena looked at him with a smirk. "How many Ladies have caught your eye since you arrived in King's Landing?"

"Not many." Lewys told the girl truthfully and Marlena looked at him in question. "Lady Stark is quite attractive and if Naeva weren't my niece she would have caught my eye." Lewys turned the corner only to bump into Lady Sansa.

"Oh! Forgive me, milord." She apologized timidly staring into his eyes.

"Nonsense, Lady Sansa," Lewys smiled down at her. "Allow me to apologize. I should've been watching where I was walking." He glanced down the corridor. "Unfortunately, this hall does not seem to have an official corner checker, so we are indeed not doing well."

Marlena let out a snort at this and Sansa smiled, the first genuine one she had had in a long time. "Well, I sense that the both of you wish to speak more, so if you will excuse me." Marlena bid the two goodnight before walking away from them with a smirk.

"Well, Lady Sansa, it is quite dangerous for a lady to be walking alone at this hour." Lewys held out his arm to the girl. "I'll escort you back to your chambers." Sansa looked at his arm warily with a hesitant look on her face. "I promise I don't bite." Sansa took his arm and the two continued down the corridor and towards a much needed friendship between the two.

RAENA MARTELL finally decided it was time to tell Robb the truth about her family, her name

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RAENA MARTELL finally decided it was time to tell Robb the truth about her family, her name. She entered the tent with a small smile. "Your pardon, Milord, your Grace."

"Milady." Lord Roose Bolton acknowledged the girl before taking his leave and walking behind the girl to the exit of the tent. Raena watched him go with an awkward smile.

"How are you?" She asked the King sincerely wringing her hands together.

"How am I?" Robb repeated clenching his fists and looking at the ground. "I've had to arrest my mother. The Lannisters have my sisters. The man I considered my closest friend has seized my home and my brothers. I'm fighting a war and I don't know if I should march south or north."

"Sorry." Raena uttered as she pursed her lips together. "It was a stupid question. I'm sorry."

"No," Robb apologized as he looked at the table. "Forgive me. You're being kind. I have no right..." Raena interrupted him with a small smile.

"You have every right. You're a King." Robb approached her solemnly.

"That's not the kind of King I want to be."

"What kind do you want to be?" Raena asked him preparing for the worst.

"I don't know." Robb admitted as he stared at anywhere but her. "The good kind." Raena bit her lip to hold back a grin and failed miserably. "Most kings grew up as princes. They spent their whole lives preparing for the crown." Robb bent over his table in thought. "I was raised to be Lord of Winterfell."

Raena approached him with a small smile. "I wad raised to be a proper little lady, to play the harp, and dance the latest steps and recite Valyrian poetry."

"I'd like to hear you play the harp." Robb teased the Martell with a grin.

"No," Raena shook her head with a light laugh. "No, you would not." Robb laughed and walked away from her towards a cupboard to give her a cup of wine.

"How did you go from reciting Valyrian poetry to sawing off men's feet?" Raena looked away from him until he approached her again with a cup of wine in hand. She took the cup graciously and took a sip before answering.

"I didn't." Robb looked at her in confusion as she sat down. "I met Talisa on my way from Dorne to help on the battlefield. Talisa agreed to help me learn to treat the wounded." Raena shook her head with a small smile. "I'd never been more grateful to have a friend who treated me as a person and not as a Lady. That's why I left Dorne, you see. I wanted to be just Raena and not," Raena swallowed looking at Robb as she told him the truth. "Not Raena Martell. I'm sorry, your Grace," Raena stood from her seat abruptly setting her cup of wine on the table. "For lying to you. And you told me of your problems and I blabbered on."

Robb stood up abruptly. "I don't want to marry the Frey girl." Raena looked at him with confusion.

"I don't want you to marry her, either." Raena looked at him with a short intake of breath. She swallowed as reality set in. "But you needed that bridge." Robb slowly stalked towards her. "I hope it's a very beautiful bridge."

Their lips met in a flurry of sparks that melted Raena's heart. She scrambled to untie the laces of his shirt pulling away from him to do so. Robb quickly helped her untie the rest of the laces befire moving on to pulling her dress over her shoulders exposing her chest to him.

Raena kissed him again as he tore off her dress with Raena assisting him every once and a while. Raena carefully stepped out of her dress, her lips not leaving Robb's. She grasped onto his shirt and tore it from his shoulders leaving his chest exposed to her. She ran her hands over his chest as he cupped her face in his hands.

Raena began to giggle as he continued to kiss her. He turned them around as Raena wrapped her arms around his neck hands grasping onto his curls. Robb gently kneeled down taking the Martell with him. Raena and Robb stared at each other foreheads pressed against each other's. Raena reconnected their lips leaving all care of their actions behind them.

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