Chapter 6

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Robin picked up the phone. "R- Robin.. hel-" Was all the brunette could manage before their rooms fell silent. Chucking on the first things he saw, Robin raced against the little time Regina had left. He drove recklessly, stopping only if he must, causing many emergency stops along the way.

  Wasting no time, he pushed open the door and cried out for Regina. She lay motionless, a pool of deep red blood tainted the carpet around her. Robin fell to his knee's and shook her gently, nothing. Taking a very deep breath, he checked her pulse; she was barely breathing. Robin carefully lifted her up and carried her to his car, not wanting to wait for an ambulance, he drove Regina to the hospital himself.

  Regina's eyelids sprung open as she panicked. Squeezing her hand softly, Robin reassured her that she was safe and that he would not leave her side. "Good to see you're finally awake Miss Mills" Smiled the nurse as she entered the room. Robin gave her a relieved smile. "Would you like us to call your fiancé now that your awake? Mr Lockley said he was away on business and to wait until any drastic change in your condition." The nurse asked kindly. Regina shook her head, "No.. there's no need to worry him.." She smiled slightly, "Besides, I'm feeling fine." The nurse nodded and continued "Miss Mills, do you remember what happened?" Regina's body tensed as the events of the previous night flooded her mind. "I- I must of fallen.. and hit my head.." Regina replied. "Regina your injuries say otherwise. Let me know when you're  ready to tell the truth.." The nurse sighed and left the room.

"Seriously Regina you have to tell them what happened, you nearly died!" Robin sighed and left the room. The brunette began to softly cry, she didn't know what to do. Either way there were pros and cons, one thing Regina knew for certain was that Robin wasn't going to give up on her.

  As a child Robin lost his mother to a 'tragic accident.' That was never the case, he strongly believed that his mother was murdered. Although the case remains closed, he still hopes that one day he will uncover the truth. His dad was a drunk, often he wonders wether he could of been involved. Although he never witnessed any of it himself, the screams from his mother taunted him in the endless depths of night. Sometimes, as he woke, sweating and in fear he thought he saw his mother standing in the doorway. She was always smiling, it made him feel safe. He missed her. Overall, this was probably the main reason that he would NEVER give up on Regina Mills. Robin knew the woman's worth and couldn't stand to see her treated in any other way.

Robin opened the door carefully, "I'm sorry for leaving.. it's only because I care Regina, I want you to be safe.." He said with a soft smile, sitting back down. Regina took his hand, "I'm sorry too Robin, the nurse says I can go home tomorrow.." She took a deep breath, "Could I come and stay with you.. just for a few nights until I get something sorted.." Squeezing her hand, Robin replied, "Of course you can, you don't have to ask! Regina, you're safe with me."

After a short follow up conversation, Regina fell asleep. Robin watched her for a while, a long while before falling asleep himself on the uncomfortable hospital chair.

A/N: a new chapter should be out within a week! So sorry for the short chapters, will try to update more often now as i've got a lot more free time! hope you're all having a lovely day/ night <3

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