Chapter 4

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The next morning all of the guests who stayed overnight gathered in the dining room for a beautiful breakfast. Robin observed that Regina was picking at her food, he wanted to put it down to her feeling sick from the hangover but something told him it was more. A lot more.
  Interrupting the mostly quiet breakfast, Leopold stood up and thanked everyone. He look his leave whispering something into Regina's ear as he went. No one seemed to notice the single tear that trickled down Regina's fair face, only Robin.

  Many of the guests began to leave and Robin took it upon himself to take a seat next to Regina, who'd been talking too an older couple. They took their leave and Robin began gently, "Regina.. about last night-" She hastily stopped him and stood up. "Please excuse me, I have things to do." She stated as she began to walk away.
Although he knew this was wrong, Robin grabbed her wrist. "Get off of me" She snarled defensively. He tightened his grip, "I promise, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help.." Regina turned around and pulled her wrist away from him, walking away once more. Robin didn't want to push her any further but he felt the need to help, so he followed her into the long, empty hallway.

"What do you want?" Regina asked emotionless, almost like she'd turned everything off. "To help.." Robin replied softly. Slowly she turned around, greeted by his sympathetic yet calming smile. "Please make it stop.." The brunette whispered as her lip trembled and her eyes stung as she tried to keep the tears at bay. Carefully Robin pulled her into a gentle hug and whispered, "You're safe now, I promise."
For the first time in a long time Regina Mills felt safe. She knew things weren't over but now she had hope.
For a lot of people 'hope' is the strongest emotion anyone could ever possess except love. Although when your love for someone is conjoined with safety and a sense of home, the power you possess is one that not many could never understand.

They both sat in Robin's small apartment, drinking coffee while slowly but not without pain Regina told her story.

"A long time ago, I was in a dark place, I'd lost myself. On the day I was ready to give up, Leopold 'rescued me' and took me home. My family saw him as a saint and still to this day have never finished thanking him. I guess we spent a lot of time together in which we fell in love.. After we married, he was promoted to CEO of the business. The promotion changed him, he was stressed. He began to drink a lot more than usual and then began to hurt me to relieve his endless stress. I've always felt like it was my payment because he saved me, it's only been a few years since it begun. So I guess it's not that bad.. but I'm at a point now where I just.. I don't know how much longer I can take this constant pain.. I'm sorry that you found out.."

"Don't be silly! I'm glad you told me Regina, I can't believe you've been going through this alone.." Regina looked away from him and stood up, "I should go.. I'm so sorry.." Confused, Robin stood up and softly took her hand shaking his head. "Please, stay" His gentle smile led the brunette to sit back down. They went on and on for hours, talking, laughing and crying. Until her phone rang. It was Leopold.

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