A cheater or A brain tumor

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"Wait a neurologist why?” asked Amy.

"My inner nurse is telling me he could have a brain tumour,” Said Andrea, Worriedly. 

"I think I liked it better when I thought you were cheating on me,” Said Amy instantly feeling like she was about to burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry" Said Amy with tears welling up in her eyes.

“honey it's okay it was me i probably would have done the same thing,” Ty admitted.

"Wait, so are options are brain tumour or cheater?” Asked Luke in disbelief.

"Unfortunately yes,” Said Andrea .

"I've never wanted somebody to have a brain tumour so badly in my entire life,” Said Luke but he suddenly realized how awful what he was saying sounded and scrambled to backtrack. 

“Not that I want anything to happen to Ty,” Luke explained.

"I know buddy, I know,” Said Ty, understandingly. 

"I've never hoped somebody was cheating on somebody so hard in my entire life,” Said Andrea.

"Hey Ty you know like three seconds ago when I was mad at you well I'm with Andrea,” Said Amy.

"I promise you I'm not cheating on you,” Said Ty.

"Well we'll have to see what the results of the MRI are,” Said Andrea.

"This is why I'm voting brain tumour because it was clearly no way he would ever cheat on Amy,” Said Luke.

"Thank you Luke,'' said Ty feeling Vindicated.

Later that day

Ty walked to the living room after he got off the phone with dr. Varani.

"Doctor Varani booked me an appointment to get an MRI done tomorrow,” Said Ty.

“Okay do you want me to come with you?” Asked Amy..

"Of course I want you to come with me,” Said Ty.

"I'm sorry about what I said last night," Said Amy guilty. 

"It's okay I understand your train of thought but I swear I'm I not cheating on you and I don't remember ever punching Tim or taking off my wedding ring,” Ty explained again.

"I believe you,” Amy said, reassuringly. 

"Good, I love you,” Said Ty, happier. 

"I love you too,” Said Amy .

That night at family dinner

"Okay I don't get it,” Lou said, confused. 

"What don't you get?” Asked Amy

“Last night you guys were fighting or have enough for half of Hudson to hear and tonight you're practically sitting in his lap,” Lou explained, confused.

"Well if I remember correctly you were mad at me last night too,” Ty Said.

"Well because you beat up my dad,” Lou said, defensively..

"Yeah what the hell was that?” Tim asked, pissed.

"Honestly Tim I don't know I don't remember doing it,” Admitted Ty

"Are you being serious?” Lou asked, getting angry. 

"I'm dead serious. I apparently also took off my wedding ring at some point. I don't know why I would have done that,” Ty said defensively. 

"You make a doctor's appointment?” Lisa asked, concerned. 

"Dr. Virani booked me for an MRI tomorrow,'' said Ty.

"Well let us know how it goes,” said Jack in concern. 

"I will,'' said Ty, reassuringly. 

The next day

"Are you ready to go?” Asked Amy.

"Yeah I put my ring in your jewellery box just in case I forget,” Said Ty.

"Okay got it,” Said Amy.

Amy and Ty then grab their coats and walk out the door and out of the barn. 

In the hospital waiting room.

Ty was so nervous he was shaking. Amy grabs his hand gently. 

"Hey it’s going to be okay. No matter what it is we will get through this,” Said Amy, reassuringly. 

"Thank you Amy,” Said Ty, grateful. 

"Of course " said Amy, softly.

Then a nurse came to get Ty. 

An hour later

“Your results should come back in about two days,” Said Dr.Varani.

"Okay thank you,” Said Ty with a smile. 

Then Ty walks out of the MRI room and into the waiting room.

"How did it go?” Asked Amy, anxiously. 

“She said the results should be back in about  two days,” Said Ty. 

"Okay,” Said Amy.

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