hitting it off and taking a trip?

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The next day

Ty walked into Maggie's and looked around for JJ.

“Hey Ty over here,” said JJ, waving enthusiastically.

“Hey so how do you want to do this?” Asked Ty, Awkwardly.

“Um, I think we should start with ordering,” said JJ.

The waitress came over, and She looked between the two men confused.

“Um Lou? “ Said the waitress, confused. 

“Long story Sam did you want me to serve them?” Asked Lou.

“No, I can do it,” said Sam.

“What would you boys like today?” Asked Sam with a smile.

Ty and JJ ordered their food.

10 minutes later.

Sam walked over to the table and sits down their food.

“Thanks, love you,” said Ty.

JJ immediately started laughing. Ty’s face turned beet red when he realized what he had said.

“Oh my God Sam I'm so sorry,” said Ty absolutely mortified

“It's okay,”said Sam, smiling and walking away.

JJ was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe.

“Dude it wasn't that funny,” said Ty, still red with embarrassment.

“It was though,” said JJ through laughter

Seeing JJ continuing to laugh caused Ty to break into laughter too. After a while they both calmed down.

“You don't get out much do you?” Asked JJ.

“I do, I just really like my wife and kid,'' said Ty.

“ I don't blame you for what I could tell they seem awesome,” said JJ

“They are,” said Ty, smiling.

“You mentioned you have done some travelling have you been anywhere recently?”  Asked JJ.

“Not recently but I've been to Mongolia twice,” said Ty.

“Mongolia that's so cool,” said JJ fascinated.

“They were just volunteer trips,” said Ty

“Have you been traveling anywhere?” Asked Ty.

“Other than camping, no not really but I've always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon,” said JJ.

“ I almost did go to the Grand Canyon,” said Ty.

“Why didn't you go?” Asked JJ curiously.

“Because would have had to go with my dad,” said Ty.

“Don’t you mean our dad?” Asked JJ.

“Yes sorry I didn't know how to say it,” said Ty unsure.

“It’s okay, the situation is incredibly weird,” acknowledged JJ.

“Yeah it is,” Ty agreed.

Suddenly JJ Got an idea.

“We should go to the Grand Canyon together,” said JJ.

“That would be cool,” said Ty thoughtfully.

“How are we going to get there though?” Asked Ty.

“We can watch it but I have an RV,” said JJ.

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