living Ty's life

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JJ walks into the barn and sees Amy her brush Spartan. 

“Hey” Said Amy with a smile.

“Hey.” JJ Said playing along. 

"I thought you were helping?” Asked Amy.

"He didn't need me for as long as I thought.” JJ replied. 

"Oh did Cass come help him?" Asked Amy. 

"Yes" Said JJ

"Well I'm happy you're home.” Amy Said with a smile. 

“I'm happy to be home" JJ Said smiling back. 

"Of course he would say that who wouldn't be happy to be home when you're married to the hottest chick in town " thought JJ.

"You look pretty today." said JJ

"Thanks you’re sweet,” Amy said smiling. 

"If this woman doesn't hear that on an hourly basis I swear to God.” Thought JJ..

"I was going to hand walk Spartan, do you want to come?" Amy asked smiling. 

"Of course" JJ Said with a smile. 

In the field a few minutes later. 

"Are you okay honey?” Amy asked.

" Yeah I'm just tired " JJ Said with a sigh. 

"Well we can go to bed early tonight " Amy said 

She then kisses  the man she thought was her husband. Amy gets a text. 

“Hey dinner is ready.” Amy Said 

"Okay we should go.” JJ Said.

5 minutes later.

Amy leads to the barn and into his stall. 

"Good boy.” Amy said patting Spartan's neck. 

"Are you coming?” JJ asked.

"I think I'm going to give this guy a leg massage I'll be right in.” Amy Said. 

"Okay.” JJ Said. 

At dinner. 

"Are you okay? Lisa asked who she thought was Ty. 

"Yeah I'm just really tired.” JJ Said. 

"Well don't fall asleep we need your help putting up a fence after dinner.” Tim said. 

"Geez Tim at least say please " said Georgie. 

"Okay fine we need your help please" Tim said annoyed. 

"Okay.” Said JJ

After dinner. 

JJ was digging the holes for the fence posts. 

"It needs to be six feet do you even know what 6 feet looks like!?” Tim asked the way Tim does. 

“Of course I do.” JJ Said tiring to hide his annoyance.

After a few minutes and a few more snarky comments JJ finally lost it. He charged Tim knocking him over and punching him countless times.

 "Ty what are you doing?! calm down! " Jack said, pulling him off of Tim. 

JJ stopped hitting Tim and walked back to the house. He walked into the bathroom and jumped out the window. 

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