an amazing prank?

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Back in present day.

Jj went home and immediately got onto the computer.

He Googled Ty.

"JACKPOT "yelled jj .

When jj googled Ty's name one result came up.

It was a website for a business called modern veterinary medicine & holistic equine health with a map to a place called heartland in Huston.

Jj laughed  to himself.

" maybe we have more in common than anyone or at least more than mom is letting on"thought jj.

They were both vets.

In that moment jj knew what he had to do.

He had to go to Huston .

He WOULD NOT let Lily lie to his brother anymore.

Ty deserved to know about him and jj himself deserved the chance get to know his brother.

JJ went to pack a bag.

Then he left.

After 11 an a half hours of driving jj finally at a dude ranch .

Lou walked out of one of cabin to see that a car had pulled up.

"Can I help?" Asked lou kindly.

When lou saw who got out of the car she started laughing.

"Hey Ty what's up?"asked lou after she stopped laughing.

" I'm not Ty" said jj .

"Yeah right "said lou crying with laughter.

"Oh my God did you rent a car just to pull this prank" asked lou through her laughter.

"I'm really not Ty. Do you know where heartland is"?asked jj.

"Ty stop you're killing me said lou laughed even harder.

"Go home" said lou through tears of laughter .

Jj got back into his car and drove away.

Lou pulled out her phone call Amy to her what just happened.

JJ eventually found heartland.

Amy walked out of the barn with Spartan.

"Oh hey hon "Amy said kissing Ty.

"I could get used to this " thought jj.

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