chapter twenty-five

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The next morning I woke up to an empty dormitory. I prop myself up on my elbows and glance around at the empty and neatly made beds. I don't pay much attention to the fact that everybody was gone: it was a Hogsmeade day, they probably got up earlier to go down to breakfast. Oh Merlin it's Hogsmeade today. I practically leap out of bed at my realisation, running my hands through my tangled hair. I hurry forward and open my wardrobe, examining myself in the mirror on the inside of the door. My eyes were red and puffy from sleep and my hair was an utter, curly mess. Oh bloody hell.

After taking the worlds quickest shower and taking extra caution in picking my outfit out, I brush some makeup roughly over my cheeks and eyes, just to make myself look less dead looking, swing my bag over my shoulder and hurry down to breakfast. The Common Room wasn't as empty as I expected, much to my relief as it proved I wasn't exactly late for my date with Draco. I climb through the portrait hole and step into the chilly morning air of the castle. I stroll happily through the halls, taking deep breaths of the fresh air, feeling strangely high in spirits.

When I take my place at the Gryffindor table, next to Harry, Ron and Hermione, my eye caught a glimpse of my boyfriend's blond hair. Calling him my boyfriend felt so surreal and strange, I still hadn't got completely used to it, but it was nice. My eyes meet his, from across the room and he gives me a wink, accompanied by his smirk that I knew way too well. I feel a flush creep up my cheeks but I smile back regardless.

When breakfast was over, I take one last panicked look at my reflection on the back of my spoon, and brush my fingers through my hair, roughly. I see Draco leaving the Great Hall, alone, so I take this as my opportunity to slip away. I wave goodbye to Harry, Ron and Hermione and hurry out of the hall, my steps echoing off the stone floor like soft knocking on a door. I reach the Entrance Hall pretty quickly and peer around the corner, trying to look out for any sign of Draco. I see him standing just to the left of the main entrance, glancing down at a watch on his wrist, leaning against the stone wall. I snap my head back and smooth out my skirt, taking a deep breath and bracing myself.

I step forward and into the Entrance Hall, striding towards him, slightly confidently, but immediately realising how stupid my arms must look just hanging by my sides. His eyes are on me and he pushes himself off the wall, standing up straight, which didn't help my nerves in one bit. My body felt way too big my steps I felt as though I was going to topple over. I didn't, of course but I was suddenly seriously self conscious about the way I looked and felt right now. The doors were open wide, outwards, looking out onto the grounds, the trees swaying gently in the freshly flourished spring air. Some students were already filing out of the hall and out into the grounds, bustling out of the gates and down into the village.

When I reached him the hairs on the back of my neck prickled in nervousness. I ball my hands into a fist, squeezing on my fingers for some type of comfort or relief, but I just make myself look hot-headed and angry.

"Hey," He breathes out, with a smirk. I can see his eyes move around in circles, examining my face as if it was the last time he would ever see it.

"Hi," I squeak, my chest suddenly feeling very tight. My lips stretch into a smile. I don't know why I was so nervous. I've known him for over a year now and I've almost never been nervous to speak to him, but this time it feels different. Like it's our first proper date.

"Shall we go then?" He says, jerking his head to the side and brushing his shoulder. I nod, not being able to string together a proper sentence at this point. I hoped that he didn't notice my awkwardness, but my subconscious self was telling me that it wasn't all that hard to pick up on, and that he probably noticed it the second I stepped out of the Great Hall. I feel his hand slip into mine as we step out into the breezy February morning air. The courtyard was awash with newly blossoming flowers and the trickle of the water fountain left a satisfying, yet relaxing sound lingering in the air. The graceful note of a distant song draw my attention to the sky: Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix, was soaring above, his golden wings spread broadly over the blanket of blue, his tune echoing around the grounds, beautifully.

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