06- A masked murderer

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General Hux was the closest thing you had to a friendly face. You got the impression that he wasn't well liked by the other officers, but you didn't mind him. His appearance was still didn't sit right with you, but at least he showed some basic humanity. You thought him brave, he didn't bend to the cold environment and at the very least he didn't hide behind a mask.

"Y/N, Ren said you wanted to see me?"

You glanced from him to the door behind him which was still open.

"I had some questions, he refused to answer them."

"He does that." Hux had no intention of stepping further into the cell, "What did you want to ask?"

"There are lots of things." You thought about where to start, so many things that you're sure were interlinked but you didn't know how.

Finally, after several seconds of debate, you spoke again, "Who is Ben Solo?"

Hux sighed, "I didn't want to tell you this, Ren will be furious."


"Ben Solo is Kylo Ren's real name if you will- his birth name. He's not always been the monster he is now." He paused, watching as your face grew more and more intrigued, "It's a long story, and not a nice one."

"Tell me it- please."

"Ben Solo was the child of two resistance fighters, and he was a good child. He turned to the darkside, renouncing his name and his history. Ben Solo is dead."

"That's what he said too, but how can you do that? Change like that?" You shifted towards the edge of your seat, eagerly awaiting what Hux had to say.

"He was seduced by the darkside, many are, and they become monsters."

"You keep mentioning the darkside, what is it?"

"The darkside of the Force, the opposite of the light. It's what the sith and Ren use to get their powers."

"Like magic?"

Hux almost chuckled, "Your species aren't the most intelligent, are they? No, not like magic. The Force is everywhere, in everything; I'm afraid I don't know much about it."

"The darkside is evil then?"

"Yes, it's powered by bad feelings, like fear, I believe."

"But fear isn't evil! Fear is normal!"

"Fear powers the darkside, it is evil. As is your captor."

You sat still, not knowing what to say or what to feel. It didn't seem fair for fear to be the cause of evil, everyone was scared of something. You were scared right at this moment, but you were almost sure you weren't evil.

Hux watched you ponder it for a moment, his eyes flitting across you with almost disdain, he didn't like teaching you. You didn't need to know such things, Snoke would have you killed soon, he was almost sure of that.

"General? Will Ben Solo ever come back?"

"No, no I don't think he will, Y/N," His soft tone surprised even him, "Ben Solo is dead, and Kylo Ren is who we have now."

"What does Kylo look like?"

"It doesn't matter what he looks like, he's a killer, a monster, a creature. Don't be fooled, Y/N, he isn't some lost child- not anymore."

You didn't respond. You were appalled by what Hux had said. Kylo Ren was all the things you thought he was, and that upset you. How badly you wanted to be wrong, to discover he was actually a good man. Your idea of aliens and space was quickly slipping away, and it was being replaced by Kylo Ren, the mask he wore and the trail of bodies he left. Hux coughed, snapping you back to your cell where you eyes were quickly welling with tears,

"You are to be escorted to the showers, your food will be here when you get back."

You nodded, getting up and walking past Hux where the Stormtroopers quickly grabbed you,

"Y/N," Hux called out to you, you turned to look at him, "Don't let this upset you, there's nothing we can do now."

You didn't say anything back, just let the Stormtroopers drag you away.


As much as you hated to admit it, a shower was exactly what you needed. The water was hot and you could feel yourself relaxing as you quite literally scrubbed away the past few days from you body. The dirt from the forest was washed away and you truly became one with the ship and the people on it. Earth was no longer present on you, especially when you stepped out of the cubicle to see your clothes replaced with a black, standard-issue jumpsuit.

Reluctantly, you pulled it on. The fabric was thick, muck more accustomed to the cold temperature than your own clothes. You caught sight of yourself in the mirror and felt your stomach drop. You were dressed in your kidnappers' clothing, the First Order logo proudly on your chest. Your plan of behaving until you had the opportunity to escape was not working, you were becoming less human with each interaction you had. The jumpsuit mocked you, as did your clean skin and hair. You were like them now, you would soon renounce your own name like Kylo Ren had.

It was all Kylo Ren's fault. He was responsible.

When you got back to your cell, you picked up the tray of food which had been left for you. The same mush, the same small cup of water. You drank the water quickly, but refused to touch the food. It wasn't something you wanted to eat again, you would not let that tainted stuff enter you. It was poisoning you, with it's horrid texture and indistinguishable flavour, it was making you like them.

Instead you picked up the tray, and you slung it as hard as you could at the cell door, it painted the door with its poison, defacing it. You felt better, you would destroy anything you could that was theirs, defying them in any way that was possible. You would demand your clothes back, and you would not eat until they fed you something you recognised. You were not their slave, not their toy. And you would certainly never join them, you'd rather die.

After hearing what Kylo Ren was, you were angry. He had killed his former self, but he would not have the pleasure in ruining you. You picked up the cup that was now empty and threw it much like the tray; you squeezed your eyes shut, preventing tears from slipping out as you did so.

But when the cup never hit against the wall, you looked up, seeing the monster before you- the cup hanging in the air.

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