26- Across the galaxy

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Dear Commander,

I've been accepted into the Resistance. It's quite different here, all the money has been into the ships and technology- there's not even enough money for personal bathrooms.

General Organa seems almost happy to see me, she thinks I have turned on you, so she might ask me for information about the First Order. What do you think I should say if she does?

I'm not sure how I'll get this letter to you. I haven't looked around properly yet, but I'm sure this will reach you eventually. How often do you want entries? How often will you reply?

It's quiet here, and lonely. The rest of the Resistance looked at me like I was the devil when I was wearing my jumpsuit. Oh yes, I've had that confiscated, sorry. I'm in "normal" clothes now, they're not as nice as the dresses you got me. I don't remember if I ever properly thanked you for them. But thank you, they were beautiful, I'm sorry that one got ruined when the Resistance took me.

I'm now realising most of this has nothing to do with my mission, I promise future reports will be more professional.


P.S: Are you the only one who will read these letters? Or will they be seen by Hux? If he doesn't read them, tell him I said hi.

You tear the letter from the notebook and grab your pen again. You write a second letter, one pretending to be safe on another island, with some stormtroopers, preparing to come back to the ship. Then you shove the pen and the book under your pillow. You leave your room and wander down the hallways. The base has no uniform colour scheme, and the materials of the walls and flooring change periodically, as if it wasn't built all at once but rather in pieces. You placed the letters in the sleeve of your shirt, and tried your best to look normal as you looked for somewhere to post your letter. Organa finds you first, and when she asks what you're doing, you freeze.

"I wanted to write to the First Order," You say truthfully, "I was going to tell them I'm on some other planet, ready to come back to them. I thought it might lead them away from here."

You show the General the letter, and she nods.

"Good idea, I'll show you to the mailroom."

She leads you the room. It's cramped and a frantic worker searches through the letters in a panic.

"I had no idea so many people wrote letters," You say

"Electronic communication can be tracked and tapped into. We put the letters on cargo ships carrying nothing of value to the First Order." the General smiles, "It's not failed us yet."

She introduces you to the worker, who is instructed to mail any letters you ask them to. They nod and you hand them two letters, the real one folded inside the fake one. They don't notice anything and slip it inside an envelope without second thought. You thank them and leave the room with the General.

"You must be important to the First Order, if a letter from you would be enough to send them looking for you."

You nod, "I had grown close to Ren, and anyone who knows anything about them is a threat. They'd only come and get me to protect themselves."

"Any information you could tell us would be a great help. When I have a few spare minutes, I have a few questions to ask you."

"Yes General" You smile and the two of you part ways.

You head back to your room and your eyelids feel heavy. You decide to sleep for the night, as you look out the window, night is descending on the forest. The last rays of gold illuminate the forest floor, and a frog is hopping in the sun, the slime on its back glinting in the light. You come away from the window and lay down, pulling the thin blanket up under your chin. The bed is lumpy, but sleep soon overcomes you.


Kylo's reply comes a few days later.


Well done on infiltrating the Resistance. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. The fake letter was a good idea, too. You're more intelligent than you seem.

Replies will come whenever I have something to say to you. As for how often reports need to be, write them whenever you make progress in the mission. I am the only one to read these letters, they're completely confidential.

I await your next update.

Kylo Ren, leader of the Knights of Ren and Commander of the First Order.

P.S: Hux wants to know why you're saying 'hi' to him.
P.P.S: You're welcome for the dresses
P.P.P.S: It's quiet without you, even Hux has remarked on how the bridge is nowhere near as lively without your presence.

You smile as you read the letter. The thought of him sitting at his desk, hair falling over his face, writing this letter makes your chest feel tight. His handwriting is messy, and you can see the indents where he's dug the pen into the page, applying just a little too much pressure. You slide the letter under your pillow along with your notebook and pen. It's lonely, but knowing Kylo is just a letter away is comforting at least. You lay your head down, wondering about when to next write to him. 

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