02- Change of scenery

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You were taken through the ship, half-dragged as you were marched along. You couldn't catch much of the unfamiliar surroundings, your head was spinning and the quick pace meant you couldn't really see much of what was around you. The hallways were dark, foreboding and- from what you could see- composed of metal with intricate designs decorating them. You twisted your head to see more, but they held you tight, keeping you helplessly vulnerable as they turned yet another corner.

Others passed you without question, some dressed in the same plated armour, others wearing uniforms. You got the feeling that weren't at all bothered by what was happening to you, it seemed like a regular occurrence they had learned to endure. They all stepped aside to allow you to be hauled past as you tried to meet their eyes, desperate for help.

Nobody helped though, and you were eventually taken into a room. It was cold inside, and you shivered as you were fastened to some kind of table. The table held you at a strange angle, almost upright but not quite, suspending you in the air as you pulled at your restraints. It was feverishly cold, and the silence that filled the room was suffocating. The room was big too, far too large for one table, the emptiness made you feel as if you were in some kind of void, hovering in nothing.
The men left.

You were alone.

Puling harder at your bindings, you thought of a way out. What would they do to you? Would they hurt you? Kill you? You tried not to think about it, instead focusing on getting out of your restraints so you could leave. They seemed unbreakable as you desperately tried to force your way out, twisting your wrist at a painful angle in order to try and get your hand out, but to avail. The pain in your ankle was throbbing dully and any movement made pain shoot through you, causing you to wince and stop your efforts.

In the end, you gave in, deciding that you would follow their commands and hopefully get off easily. Their had to be some modicum of decency in them, and you would find it.


It wasn't long until the door opened again, the sudden rushing noise making you jump as you lifted your head to look at the figure in the doorway.

They were big. Large, grand and seething evil as they loomed before you, black clothing draped over them. They looked like a shadow, and the shining malice of their helmet made you quiver. It was a solid mass on their head, thick, impenetrable, the mouth piece making them look animalistic as they approached.

"How did you find my ship?" they asked lowly, their voice clearly modified,

"Your ship?" You replied, turning your face away from them,

"yes, my ship, how did you find it?"

"I was walking," Your voice threatened to give in at any moment, "I just sort of.. ran into it.."

They hummed, crouching down to talk directly into your ear. The lack of breath you felt was unnerving. "If you're lying, I will find out."

"Please don't hurt me, I didn't mean to intrude I-"

Your mouth clamped shut of it's own accord, "Enough. What's your name?"

"Y/N- Y/N L/N- just please, don't hurt me."

"I should kill you, you're probably with the resistance."

"The resistance?" You asked, your curiosity getting the better of you.

The man, for you were almost sure it was a man, grabbed both your hands, studying your fingers closely, "You don't have the ring."

"What ring? I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Do you know who I am?" They growled,
still crouching beside you,


"I am Kylo Ren, commander of the First Order," He got closer, one hand gripping your face, forcing you to look at him, "And this is my ship."


He left after that, clearly frustrated by your uselessness. You had no clue what he was talking about, but you got the idea that it was important- at least to him. The armoured people came back, and escorted you elsewhere, removing you from the table only to lock you into a cell. It was small and cramped, but at least you could move.

You sat patiently on the seat, running your hands along it. You weren't sure how you felt, aside from scared. The ship almost made you feel empty, like the humanity had been drained from you. Your breathing echoed of the walls and you waited for something to happen.

Something did happen, and the door opened once again. In came a tall, pale man. His orange hair had been slicked out of his face and he held himself straight as he spoke to you,

"Kylo Ren has seen you then?" His voice was disturbingly normal,

"The man in the mask? Yes." You replied nervously, uncertain of them.

He nodded thoughtfully, "I thought as much, mind you don't upset him again."

"Upset him? I didn't do anything!" You stood up, defensive. The man shrugged.

"You clearly did something." He paused, "I'll have the stormtroopers get you something to eat."

He left quickly, barking orders to the two armoured men outside the door. They nodded and one left, returning shortly with a tray.

"Here, don't expect it to taste good." They handed it to you,

"Thank you. Are you a stormtrooper?" Your voice was almost shy as you stared down at the mush they had given you.

"You really don't know much, do you? Yes I am." They laughed.

"What do you do?"

No response, the stormtrooper left and the door was shut before you, leaving you trapped inside the cell once again.

You picked at your food, prodding it only to see it spring back up. It was some sort of mushy, grey, jelly- your stomach turned just looking at it. It didn't taste of much at all, but the texture made you gag. You ate it though, not wanting to know the consequences if you didn't. Alien cuisine was not much to write home about, you decided, forcing down another mouthful.

Once you were finished, you thought back to what they were going to do with you. They would have killed you by now, surely? Maybe they thought you were useful in some way, but you knew you weren't. You laid down, turning away from the door and sighed. You felt trapped, and you were, but it was more than that. This was so out of your depth, and you felt truly alone. The more you saw of the place, the more you wanted to leave, but you couldn't. Whatever 'Kylo Ren' wanted, you couldn't help him, you just hoped he would realise that soon and let you go...

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