Chapter 4: Water

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Ann paced back and forth in her bedroom, staring intently at the floor as she went. The room was scarcely decorated; only a bed, a tea table, a closet, and a teal and blue tapestry hanging at the head of the sleeping mat. There was a window on the far wall, and on its cill, a handful of intricate seashells. She stopped to admire one—a white baby ear shell—then sighed and put it back in its place, blowing away a bit of dust which had gathered on top of it. She returned to her pacing.
    What was taking Wu so long? It had only been two days, but Garmadon's forces hadn't made any attempts to push forward, and she was growing anxious. At any moment, something could go horribly wrong, she just knew it.
    Ann jumped at her last name, but gathered herself quickly and responded to the guard outside her door, "Yes?"
    "There's a young man at the gate. He claims to have been sent by Master Wu and he requested you specifically," the guard replied.
    Ann instantly knew that this must be one of the four elementals that Wu was recruiting and rushed into the hall.
    "Thank you," she said to the guard. "I will see to it myself." The guard bowed respectfully and she took off toward the front gate. Finally, some good news. Hopefully this meant that Wu's plan was coming together.
    Although it was silly, she felt anticipation rise in her chest as she went. For so long she had heard Wu tell her of the Golden Weapons and the four warriors destined to wield them, but she never once thought that she would ever meet them. Images of tall, strong soldiers filled her head, dressed from head to toe in armour that reflected their element—maybe fire-proof armour for the fire elemental, or stone armour for the earth elemental—and she was surely shocked when she reached the front doors, pulled them back, and saw the scrawny form of Jay Walker. He was at least six inches shorter than her—however, she was six feet tall—with short, golden brown hair, electric blue eyes, pale skin, and he was wearing an old t-shirt with some very worn-through jeans.
    "Hi," he said sheepishly. "Are you Ann Jing Haruto?"
    Ann had to stop herself from laughing. He was definitely younger than she was, with very little muscle and clearly no battle training. Was she seriously supposed to believe that he was destined to wield one of the golden weapons? She tried to keep herself form staring and gave a quick bow. "I am," she answered. "And who are you?"
    "Oh, uh, my name's Jay. Jay Walker. Master Wu sent me. Uh, here," and he handed her a small, rolled up scroll; one of four, which Ann had seen Wu prepare.
    She nodded before handing it back and said, "Please, come in."
    Jay looked apprehensive at first, but reached down to grab his duffle bag and marched into the monastery with a shaky sort of confidence. Ann let him go ahead of her and peered out into the dense foliage that surrounded the property, past the open doors. Surely no one had followed him, but she still felt it necessary to check. Then she closed the doors and led Jay through the courtyard and into the main building.
    "Points for a dramatic place to live," said Jay as they walked. Ann ignored him. "Not the talkative type, huh?" Jay continued after she stayed silent. Ann didn't do 'small talk', but she also knew that she shouldn't be rude to her guest.
    "No," she replied.
     They continued walking until they reached a dead-end hall with only four doors total on both of its walls. They went all the way to the end and she opened the door on the right. The room was much the same as her's was: a sleeping mat, a closet, a tea table, a window, and a tapestry hanging on the wall. However this tapestry was blue and silver.
    "These will be your living quarters," Ann explained as a dazed Jay walked slowly into the room.
    "So... when's lunch?" He asked, dropping his bag to the floor.
    "Mealtimes are at eight, noon, and six. The bell tower will ring for each," Ann explained. "At noon, I will send someone to guide you to the dining room." She waited to see if he had anything else to ask, and when he stayed silent she bowed again, perhaps a little too hastily, and said goodbye.
     She stood, looking at the closed shōji door, and felt her insides squirm. This couldn't be right. This was a boy, barely fit for farming, let alone fighting. But she took a deep breath and said to herself, "Sensei Wu does everything for a reason. He must have a plan."

Legends of Ninjago Book 1: Brotherhood (Ninjago AU, Cole, Jay, Zane, Kai)Where stories live. Discover now