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It was 9:17am, and Louis was cuddled up in bed with his favorite person.

It was winter and he got cold easily, so he was tucked under the blankets and snuggling close to Harry for warmth. The morning light was filtering through the curtains and his boyfriend was already awake, nuzzling Louis' neck and placing random, soft kisses all over his body.

Louis' eyes fluttered open and although he loved kisses, he shied away from the feeling of Harry's lips. "Hazzie... no... stop it. Tickles."

Harry huffed. "I'm trying to be romantic, Lou."

"Well, romance is tickling me." Louis pushed Harry away but immediately burrowed back into Harry's chest, missing the much needed warmth of his boyfriend. "No, come back, 'm cold."

Harry laughed and wrapped his arms back around Louis, playing with the smaller boy's hair. "Come on, we need to get up."

"No we don't." Louis was feeling sleepy again already, prepared to sleep for longer. "What time is it?"

"Like a quarter past nine or something. We need to go take Milky on her morning walk."

"You take her, I'm sleepy," Louis mumbled into his pillow.

"Babe, come on. Come with me? We can get hot chocolate together and walk in the park," Harry suggested, placing a few quick kisses onto Louis' cheek to add to his argument. "Please? It'll be nice."

"It's cold outside," Louis complained. "I wanna stay in here where I've got the heater."

"We just got you that new winter jacket last weekend, today's your chance to try it out. Plus, I'll give you all the cuddles you want to warm you up when we come back home." Harry traced a few shapes onto an exposed part of Louis' belly and he squirmed away from Harry's touch.

"Okay, fine, I'll come with."

"Yay!" Harry clapped his hands and let go of Louis to look down at Milky, who was curled up on her little bed on the floor. "Hear that, Milky? Lou's coming on our walk with us!" Milky sat up and barked in response, set off by Harry's excited tone.

"Shut up, you." Louis placed his small hands over his ears. "You're both too loud in the mornings. And I always walk Milky, what are you talking about?"

"Sorry, Lou." Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and squeezed him tightly, before letting go of him again and sitting up. "Come on, let's go get ready."

"I wanna sleep a little longer." Louis whined sadly at the loss of Harry's warmth and rolled over to hug Harry's pillow as a replacement. "Wake me up in a bit."

Harry got out of bed and tucked Louis in more so the latter wouldn't get cold, and bent down to press one last kiss to Louis' temple before he went to get ready. "Okay, love you."

Louis murmured an unintelligible Love you too back and snuggled up with Harry's pillow, breathing in his scent. It had been eight months since they'd got back together, and they'd picked off where they'd left their relationship three years ago, being impossibly cute and cuddly and loved up, like they always had been. At the beginning , they'd promised to take it slow, but neither were good at taking things slow, especially when it came to the love of their lives. Within a few months, they'd reverted back to their old life, with Louis moving back into their apartment with Milky, whose full name was now Milk Tea Tomlinson-Styles.

Harry's box was still kept under their bed to keep it hidden from any visitors - it was still so personal and intimate and Harry didn't want to share it with anyone but Louis. Louis went through the entire box and read all of the letters and messages written on the back of the pictures, which earned Harry a lot of love, affection and kisses because Louis melted at every word Harry had written.

under your bed in new york. // larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now