Chapter Five: Day Off

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A/N: It's officially been a year since I started this book! To be honest, only 4 chapters in a year is really slow for me, so I'm going to make sure I at least update every week or 2. Anyways, I'm glad you guys liked the last chapter and my oc :) I actually don't like incorporating made-up characters into my fanfic material, but for this story, in particular, I knew I had no choice.

oH, I also decided to update today because my birthday was 4 days ago ::) I'm officially 16 haha (unfortunately, I still look like a child oof). So I hope you guys like this chapter as well!


Monday Night, 10:33 pm




"Hmm, maybe he's dead," the doctor thought to herself as she gave the teenager another shake on the shoulders. How did his mother wake him up for school like this every morning? He's definitely a deep sleeper and there's no doubting he slept in class as well.

Meanwhile, Danny seemed to find the clinic's chair heaven by how soundlessly he slept. He looked like an innocent baby, with no problems or responsibilities in the world. Too bad it was quite the opposite.

Although the boy hadn't told her the full truth for his sudden request, making excuses and pestering her to finish early, she had a vague idea. If her suspicions proved correct, which she didn't doubt, then whatever she was going to tell him next wouldn't be good news. The results she got likely would upset him, and she almost didn't want to tell him.

The boy had gone through a lot at such a young age, she didn't want to more weight onto his shoulders. He had already been frustrated when he'd shown up, how was he going to react now to the truth?

Then again, it will hurt if she decided to lie. Though he already had doubt uncertainty on his face, and the blood test he took earlier could be brushed off as merely a mistake. She'd tell him a few words and he'll go home happy.

But the doctor knew she couldn't do that, not because it was 'illegal' in the human world, but because nobody deserved to be lied to, even if the truth hurt. She will tell him the exact results and everything she knew, and watch how things go from there.

Either way, he'll find out eventually (and probably murder her for lying to him) so it was better to stay on the safe side.

The exhausted woman decided to get a jug of water and dumped the whole thing on the boy, enough to cause him to react immediately.

Danny jolted from his sleep and started coughing, holding the armchair for support. Rubbing his eyes to understand what was going on, he was met by an unimpressed doctor and the blinding lights in the small pale room.

"Took you long enough," she pointed out. "How do you survive ghost fights like that?"

Ignoring the woman's remark, Danny scratched his head and tried to remember why he was in a hospital, and luckily, the memory jogged fresh in his mind. However, the sudden events that were stacked in one day were too much for him and he felt a headache slowly come by.

"Uh, can I get a painkiller? My head hurts," he asked. The doctor raised a concerned eyebrow but nodded and went to fetch the pills. Meanwhile, this gave enough time for Danny to think alone to which he forced himself not to break down, again. He was done moping around, and it was time to uncover the hidden details that were locked away for who knows how long.

So when the ghost doctor finally showed up with the pill and a glass of water, Danny took them gratefully and swallowed the painkiller. Although the effect won't be instant, it'll help him focus for the time being.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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