"By laughing? I'd hate to see how you'd comfort someone on their death bed,"

"You're an ungrateful piece of shit, you know that,"

"Really? I never noticed. Thanks for pointing that out,"

And here I was thinking he changed, but I was wrong. He's the same self-centered jerk I met at school and that's who he'll always be

"I knew I shouldn't have come here," I turned away from him, making my way down the slope towards the front gate

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Anywhere but here," 

"And how do you plan on getting there?"

"I'll walk if I have to. I'd rather be kidnapped than spend another second with you,"

"Fine then, leave,"

After a long, not so needed walk, I finally reached the gate. Unfortunately for me it was a total waste of time. The gatekeeper wouldn't let me leave. So I came all the way down here for absolutely nothing

As I finally reached the top of the slope I see Arianna standing there. Before I could process what she was doing she ran up to me, hugging me

'What's this for,"

"You're not allowed to leave. Not without me at least,"

She turned to her brother, "And you're not allowed to make her leave. You said that someone bad is after her. Do you really need a six year old to lecture you on this?"

"I don't actually,"

"Okay, that's enough. We're going to go buy some clothes now. We'll be back shorty. You can invite your friends but please, try not to make a total mess of the place,"

She tilted her head to the side and looked at him as if he had grown another head

"Do you realize what you just said. You're telling a six year old to invite other six year olds to 'hang out', but not make a mess of the place,"

"You sure are dumb for a high school student," she walked past him and into the house, shaking her head

I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. He really did sound dumb

"There you go finding everything funny again," he rolled his eyes making his way over to the garage

I trailed behind him but stopped as I approached the garage door

He drove the car out and I took a seat in the back causing him to give me a questioning look

He shrugged it off then drove off

An awkward silence sat over us as he drove me to wherever he was taking me to buy clothes

He drove into the parking lot of the mall. We got out and started walking in the direction of the entrance

"Are you just going to ignore me the whole time?" he asked. I ignored him

"You do know you caused what happened earlier on yourself, right?"


"Fine then, be that way. Just wait here until I get back. I won't be long," 

He turned into one of those places that had multiple shops within them. Why need a place like that at the mall?

I walked over to small fountain placed in the middle of the mall, resting my elbows on the railing that surrounded it

Maybe i'm overreacting

"Hey," A man came up beside me. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties, chiselled face, curly black hair, emerald eyes, fair complexion. To be honest he wasn't half bad

"Hi," I stepped away, being cautious of him

"I couldn't help but notice that you're here by yourself,"

"I'm not here by myself. I'm waiting on someone,"

"Your boyfriend?"

I scoffed. As if

"By your reaction I take it he's not your boyfriend,"

"He's...an acquaintance," I said as he started looking around

"How about we go somewhere more private to continue our conversation," he snaked an arm around my waist

"I DON'T want to continue this conversation," I pushed him, stepping away

"I'm offering you the easy way out. Either you come with me quietly, or I take you by force," he pulls up his shirt to reveal a pistol in the waistband of his pants

"Don't give anyone any reason to suspect anything. If you give even the slightest clue I won't hesitate to shoot,"

Great, my second time being held at gun point. And here I was thinking he was cute

I nodded my head and he gave me a sickeningly sweet smile

"Good," he wrapped his arm around my waist  one again and walked towards the exit

Moments later I saw him pull out a phone, touch some buttons a few times then pressed the phone to his ear

"Yea, I got one,"

A slight pause

"Bring the van around the back, i'll meet you there in a couple minutes,"

"Damn right it's a good catch. I think the boss will be pleased with this one," he looked down at me

Don't tell me...this is some kind of human trafficking bullshit

Just my God damn luck

He hung up the phone and looked down at me

"Don't look so sad. You're going to be getting someone A LOT of money,"

"But i'm a damaged good," I said trying to get my way out of this

"What do you mean?" he eyed me warily 

"Look," I pulled up my sleeve showing him my scars  and showing him the ones on my legs

"That is a slight problem, but I can't let you go. You've already seen my face,"

"So have multiple people,"

"To them we look like a couple, plus where couples go is none of their business,"

"If the boss doesn't like you, he can always dispose of you. Or give you to me as another play thing. Either way you're not getting out of this so stop trying to find excuses,"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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