Chapter 11

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"As he was about to say before you cut him off, we were just talking,"

"What was so important that you had to leave your post by the door to come all the way up here to 'talk'. If I give someone a job I expect them to do it,"

"Ace, calm down. He's my childhood friend. The one I was talking about at the door," I butted in

"That's even worse. He knew you were getting abused and he left,"

"It's not like that, he had his reasons,"

"That's not an excuse,"

"If he knew that you were getting abused he shouldn't have left in the first place. What if you had died,"

"Why do you even care?"

"I have my reasons to care and you don't need to know because it's none of your business," 

"You need to calm down,"

"Shut the fuck up, I wasn't talking to you. What you need to do is get back to your god damn post,"

"There's no reason for you to be upset," Alex said

"It's okay. It was a mistake to come here in the first place," I brushed past Ace, walking out of the room and down the corridor

"Char wait," Alex stopped me

"Don't leave because of him. I've never forgotten you and I've been searching for you this entire time. The only reason why I took this job is because I heard that I'd be protecting someone named Charolette. Sure I took a gamble on the name, a lot of people are named Charolette but I still stuck around to see if it was you and honestly if it wasn't you, I would've ditched this job in a heartbeat. But at the door when you said you had a childhood friend named Alex, I knew that it was you and I can only bet that God caused us to reunite again. I can't lose you a second time, Char. Please. Let me do what I came here to do and protect you,"

This definitely isn't the Alex from my childhood. He was always so carefree and laughed  at everything, always running jokes. He's never been serious a day in his life, not until now anyways

I sighed, giving him a small nod. As I did so a broad smile spread across his face

Damn, puberty did him good. Can't say the same for me though

 "I have to get back to my post now, but if you ever need me, you know where to find me," he gave me one last smile before disappearing down the stairs

I looked down the opposite end of the corridor to see Curious George standing by the doorway, watching me as I made my way back to the room

"What were you two talking about?" he asked as I stepped into the room and sat on the bed 

"Well, if you were actually listening to me instead of yelling you would know,"

"It's not my fault I got upset. How would you feel if the person you hired to protect someone was up here hugging the person instead of being at their post and doing their fucking job,"

"He was my childhood friend. What you saw is called a reunion. I don't see why you're getting to worked up about it. It's not like he left the premises," I rolled my eyes

"You're so upsetting,"


"What's going on?" I heard a small voice sound from the doorway. I looked behind Ace to see a little girl rubbing her eyes. She had dark brown hair that stopped at her lower back. She opened her eyes to reveal that she has sapphire blue eyes, just like Ace's

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