Truth (Ch58)

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You felt your whole body shake with anger and fear, pure hatred running through your veins as you stared at the faces surrounding you, mocking your every move as a constant reminder of your failure. I failed. That sacrifice, it was all for nothing. Why didn't I fight back? I could have saved him, why didn't he let me?

You were dragged up off the floor as your arms were gripped tightly by the black haired villain and a newer face, wearing a black and white suit that covered their entire body. You frowned, your eyes scanned the room before you, trying to figure out any possible routes, but you were stuck. Helpless.

No matter how hard you tried nothing seemed to work. You were completely surrounded with no knowledge or slightest clue on where you were located. You had no idea if there were other villains, or even civilians nearby. Granted, even if you did manage to escape, you would be brought down almost immediately. Not to mention Bakugou would slow you down considerably.

You wanted to collapse into the floor, to sink down and allow the ground to swallow you up. You had never felt so terrified in your life. Your eyes settled on as both you and Katsuki were dragged to two chairs, propped up against a wall facing a bar.

"Get your filthy hands off me." You growled as you were shoved into the chair closest to the door, only to have to have the taller villain holding you down to retaliate and grab the back of you head, pushing it against the wall. "Hardly any way to treat your hosts, I'd watch your mouth if I were you."

Katsuki followed your lead, a new found amber surging through him as he watched you fight back. You pushed against the restraints of the chair as your legs were tied together, the grip of the villain tightening with every second worth of struggle you put up.

A voice interrupted the two of you as things begun to become heated, with you having come extremely close to slipping your hand from the cuffs while the others were preoccupied with your legs. "Don't bother." The voice was raspy and cold, coming from the corner where a blue haired man sat. His red eyes stared you down, making you want to retract your body and hide.

You had noticed his face being covered by what looked to be a hand. You scrunched your nose up in disgust and squinted your eyes, eager to hear what he had to say. If there was any chance of getting out, you needed to cooperate first. You knew the second the let you go, if they ever did, you would pounce.

Of course they will. They took Bakugou for a reason. They wanted him to become a villain, all because of his 'attitude'. They'll let him go, after all, they have to treat him as an equal to get their point across. I know he'll fight back, he always does, wether they'll let me go or not is a different story.

"It's useless, trying to struggle. You two are fairly smart, right? Look around you. Even if you do escape, you would lose quicker than you could imagine." You swallowed hard, pushing down strong emotions of guilt and anger. Your eyes turned into a soft shade of orange, the vibrancy not going unnoticed by a certain blonde.

She squinted her eyes and whispered something to the villain beside her, a knife being twirled in her hands as she spoke. The older villain shook their head, nodding over to Bakugou as they did so. You bared your teeth in a low growl, pushing back the urge to activate your quirk.

Even if it's just to use my senses, I have no idea where that will get me. They may have a quirk that can detect others, and my eyes have already given this away. I need to calm down.

Everyone's eyes were drawn to a TV stationed above the bar as it crackled to life, one of the villains holding a remote and switching through the channels until they found what they were looking for. Aizawa? The screen showed a long row of heroes, lined up on a bench as they were surrounded by reporters.

。Alpha & Beta 。 (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now