Chapter 11 - Now we have, now we don't

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Ash,Gou,and their partners arrived at Sinnoh.

Ash: I'm back in Sinnoh, boy! Shouted Ash.

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Greninja: Greninja!

Riolu: Riolu!

Gou: I've never been in Sinnoh before. Said Gou with a smile.

Raboot: Ra!

Ash: Well, Paul must be here somewhere. Said Ash.

Gou started to get jealous.

The boys and their partners are searching for Paul.

Gou is now on 'Yandere-mode'.

Gou: *Thinking* Once i find Paul! I will eliminate him so that, me and Ash could have some couples time. Thought Gou with a wicked smile.

Gou looked up and saw a strange guy with purple hair.

Ash: Did you find Paul? Asked Ash.

Pikachu: Pika!

Greninja: Grenin!

Riolu: Rio!

Gou: No! Repiled Gou.

Raboot: Raboot!

???: Hey Ash! Called a unknown boy.

Ash turned around and saw it was his Sinnoh rival, Paul.

Ash: Paul! Responded Ash.

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Greninja: Greninja!

Riolu: Riolu!

Ash ran and hugged Paul.

Gou started to get even more jealous and grabbed Ash's arm.

Raboot: Raboot?

Paul: What's worng with him and who is he? Asked Paul with a confused face.

Ash: This is my friend, Gou! Introduced Ash.

Ash: I don't really know anything about him. Explained Ash.

Ash: Do you guys know about Gou? Ash asked his pokémons, and Gou's Partner.

Pikachu: Pikachu! (No!)
Greninja: Greninja! (No!)
Riolu: Riolu! (No!)
Raboot: Raboot! (Nah!)
Nodded Ash's pokémons and Gou's Partner.

Ash: Why don't we go to the cafe and have some drinks? Decided Ash.

Paul: Sure!

Gou: Yeah!

Agreed Paul and Gou.

Greninja: Grenin! (Sure!)
Pikachu: Pikachu! (Yeah!)
Riolu: Riolu! (Cool yeah!)
Raboot: Raboot! (Why not!)
Agreed the Pokémons.

Ash: Ok! Let's go! Said Ash.

Will Gou get along with Ash's Sinnoh rival, Paul?

Find out on the next Chapter.

To Be Countinued...

There's also a bonus part of this chapter.

Blue and his partner, Toxel arrived at Sinnoh.

And they are watching Gou's yandere.

Blue: We're gonna show the video of Gou: Killing someone and send it to Ash. Planned Blue.

I'm gonna rest for about 1 week guys. But, don't worry: I will be making more chapters after, i had my 1 week day off.

The blood goes with go | Firstfriendshipping/Gouacheshipping (Compeleted)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora