𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐲| 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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I watched from the steps of the house as Shawn's car pulled out of the driveway. My papa was going to be here soon, Shawn wanted to stay so he could chill with my papa but Trap had called him.

Shawn beeped the horn twice and I waved before turning around going back inside the house. "Aye I'm finna go to a party, you tryna ride?" Desire asked as she came down the steps.

I'm a little surprised she asked me because we literally were just arguing like two hours ago. Plus I was pretty sure she doesn't like me, "Um no, does papa even know your going to a party? And I have some more questions so go in the living room." I said.

Desire looked at me as if I had three heads, before she chuckled and mumbled some shit about 'this is what I get for tryna be nice.' As she walked into the living room. I rolled my eyes as I followed Desire into the living room, she plopped down on the couch and I stood on the other side of the coffee table which was between her and I.

"Can we make dis quick? I got some where to be." She said right before she yawned. Why would you even go to party when your tired?

I decided not to sugar code anything, or beat around the bush since she 'has somewhere to go'. "You down with S.E.T?" I asked.

Desire starred at me bluntly and I starred at her bluntly. I don't know if she think she's scaring me because she isn't. She may be bigger than me in size but the bigger you are the harder you fall and I'm one heavy handed human being.

She stood up and walked closer to the coffee table, I'm sure if the table wasn't blocking our way she'd probably had gotten in my face. "Why is dat any of your business Dez'Arey?" Her using my full name caught me by surprise, she usually just calls me Dez along with everyone else besides, Boogie who calls me Dezzy.

"I'm just trying to look out for you, I been down with them before and nothing good comes from being a member of S.E.T. There gonna make you do shit and see shit your not gonna wanna see and if you tell them no, you'll suffer for that shit later. So again, are you down with S.E.T?" I replied.

She didn't reply to me she just walked away and I followed after her. Just as she were about to open the front door, I slammed my hand against it stopping her. "Damien said you were gonna do this?" She chuckled out as she turned around, coming face to face with me.

"Damien said I was going to do what? You shouldn't even be listening to shit Damien says." I snapped.

The fact that Damien is already putting shit into my sista's head pisses me off. I haven't even been back a full day and he's already causing problems for me. Then Desire is just feeding into what he says, listening like did he even tell you what him and his friends did? What they did to me?

"He said dat once you find out I'm down with S.E.T and dat I'm his best friend, you were gonna be a jealous bitch. He said you were gonna try to say your looking out for me but you aren't your just jealous." She spat, literally.

Jealous? That nigga has some nerve telling her that I'm jealous. He's the one that was jealous of how close me and Shawn were getting. He even tried to press Shawn one time and he got upset because Shawn told him to his face that he wasn't gonna stop being my friend. He's just trying to cover up what the fuck he did and she has no clue on what the hell is going on right now.

I took a step back as she stepped closer getting into my face, I've never been the one to hit anyone first but when I feel threatened it's a different story. "You left dem because you couldn't handle the life, he said you were we-"

"I suggest you don't finish that sentence, your best friend is a fucking liar. He lied about everything he's told your dumb ass and like a ding bat, your believing everything he says." I snapped cutting her off.

Remedy | URBANOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora